♡Chapter 41

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"I said that I—"

"No, no, no." She cut him off, shaking her head. "I heard you. I just... you don't mean it."

"Yes I do."

"You don't mean it." The words were strained, as if she's trying to convince herself instead of him. "You can't mean it."

"I do though." He laughs. "Buttercup, I am in love with you."

"No. No. No—" she broke off, running a hand through her hair. "You can't."

"Well why the hell not?"

"Because people say desperate things when they think they're gonna die!" She fires back his way.

"I don't think I'm gonna die," he scoffed. "And even if that were the case," Butch looked around. "I. Love. You. And I will still be in love with you even when we make it out of here."

"You don't know we're going to make it out of here!" She was about to run her hand through her hair again, but stopped halfway. Her eyes were glued to the metal plates. There was no flesh. Nothing to show she was human. Just metal. A scrap project thrown together. "You can't love me."

"But I do." He pushed off of the seat and stood up, but made no advancements towards her.

"You can't." Buttercups right eye wigged out and zoomed in on the door handle before focusing back. Another reminder of what she was.



Not fucking human.

The voices were back.

"Why can't I?" Butch flung his hands out in the air. "I happen to think you're the most extraordinary girl I've ever met! You're smart! And funny! And a total bitch—which I love! You're badass! You could kick my ass! You're—"

"Not fucking human!" She shouted. Tears welled in her left eye. Something that hadn't happened in years. "I'm a fucking science project! I'm nothing but scraps! I'm a machine! I'm a monster! I've done things... I've seen—" She broke off, closing her eyes tightly.

"And you think that matters?" Butch gawked. "I've seen and done things too, Buttercup. I've been through tough shit too. And you don't get to decide that just because you've got half a robots brain in you, that you're not capable of being loved! Because I fucking love you!"

"You love this?!" She holds up her hand and wiggles her robotic fingers. They squeak a bit as she does so. "You mean to tell me you think this is attractive? How about this?" She points to her eye. "Or this?" A gesture to her brain. "How about this?" She points to the jacks behind her ear. "I'm not a human."

"That's not true!" Butch stepped forward. "You're a fucking human!" Another step forward. "You're you. And I fucking love you."

"I'm broken." Her voice broke. "You can't love something that's broken. You throw broken things away. That's what everyone does. Your computer breaks? Oh shit, throw it away and get another one!" She pulls at her fingers, shaking her head left to right. "I'm a broken computer that needs to just be thrown away. Find something better."

"Buttercup," he groans. He made it across the room to stand directly in front of her. His hands reach out to hold her cheeks as he tilts her head up to look at him. "I'm not throwing you away. You're not trash. You're... you're you."

"Me is a girl who's missing an eye. Who's missing a hand. Who... I'm not human, Butch. You've got to understand that. I'm— I'm a machine. I'm a monster! A weapon! A weapon designed to never understand the joys of life!"

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