♡ Chapter 3

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Each girl had a small bag resting at her feet. Packed with important necessities to maintain the science flowing through them. Bubbles and Blossom both had medication they needed to take in the morning and evening. Buttercups bag was full of tools and wires and gears. She'd packed her computer too.

Bubbles eyes flicked back and fourth from snakelike to her natural baby blues. Blossom found her hands completely coated in white frost, beginning to wrap up around her arms.

Agent Davin kept a watchful eye on Blossom. His neck was bruised and sore to the touch. Even speaking was a hard task to do. Jenkins on the other hand, drove without even looking to the three girls in the back. He appeared to not be frazzled or fazed by earlier events. Instead, he looked to almost admire Blossom for what she did.

Blossom noticed Davins glare towards her in the mirror. She simply smiled and pointed to Bubbles, who's eyes were stuck in snake mode for the time being. When the blonde smiled, her incisors had grown sharp and pointy, venom dripping from the corners of her lips.

Davin gulped then immediately turned away.

Jenkins merely smirked.

That's how the drive went. Blossom silently threatening Agent Davin, Jenkins chuckling at her attempts that were working. Bubbles trying to regain her human form. Pushing away the countless animals trying to break through the surface. And Buttercup flexing and tightening her robotic hand as she stared out the window. She was a very fidgety person. Always needing to keep moving and have something for her hands to do. Sometimes she'd twirl a bolt between her fingers, other times she'd keep busy by messing with the gears inside her hand. She'd open up a panel and start tinkering with things.

The city limits came into view, and soon the buildings turned to tall trees. Turning to blurs of green and brown. A few minutes later, the car came to a stop in front of a cabin.

"We're here, ladies." Jenkins turned off the car and opened the door.

"Watch the pink one." Davin muttered and got out of the car.

Jenkins turned around and looked at Blossom. She'd kept a smirk on her face ever since Davin had said to keep an eye on her. Jenkins didn't find her to be all that scary.

"Well, ladies," Jenkins removed the sunglasses from his face. Crimson eyes sparkling with the same emotion as before at the house. What that was, none of the girls could tell. He appeared to be excited for the task at hand, and yet also anticipating something. Dreading something. "Let's get you informed, shall we?"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

There was about ten people crowded around the small dining room. The president herself sat at the head of the table, standing behind her on both sides were two of her details. More were stationed outside. Davin stood guard at the door.

Jenkins had taken a seat at the table beside a guy with dirty-blonde hair. Whereas with Jenkins it was difficult to pinpoint exactly how he felt, with this guy it was easy. All emotion showed on his face at once. He was nervous, scared, excited.

Across from the blonde sat a guy with piercing green eyes. He was actually the first person Buttercups database picked to run a background check on. Her sensors were going haywire with this many people. Each person unknowingly was being ran through a long system of searching, and then stored into a file where Buttercup decided she'd take a look later.

Blossom and Bubbles sat down on the end closer to the President. Buttercup sat on the end closer toward the door. In case she needed to make an escape.

"Hello," President Bellum had a kind voice. It matched her face and the way she held herself. "I'm President Bellum, you all have the privilege of calling me Sarah. I can guess you're all confused as to why you're here."

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