♡ Chapter 5

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"Faulty?" Bubbles had moved from the floor to Buttercups previous seat. "What do you think was in the message?"

"I don't know." Blossom, too, had sat down. She was picking at her already chipping nail polish. Pink flecks falling onto her lap. Ice coated the edges of her fingers and danced up her arms.

"I don't appreciate her locking me out of the cockpit." Brick grumbled. "And I do think a little information on what the hell she received would be nice." He was silently dying on the inside. A faulty in the airplane? That didn't sound good. And then the rushedness of Buttercups leaving... that set him off too.

His stomach was twisting and turning.

He could crash.

The plane might be going down.

No. The plane was most definitely going down.

"She seemed in a pretty big rush." Butch stretched and sighed when a series of popping relieved his back.

As if to answer everyone's question, a loud beep came over the speakers. Followed by static then Boomer voice.

"Alrighty! Ladies and Losers," His voice was strained. "Ima need y'all to fasten on a lovely little parachute."

Bubbles's eyes widened and she shot to her feet. As did Brick, this time his calm collective breathing was fractured for a moment. Something only Blossom caught onto. The quick sudden inhale and shaky exhale didn't seem to go with his exterior body movement.

"Okayyy! Y'all heard Pretty Boy!" Butch clapped his hands. He strutted over and opened up a compartment and pulled down a parachute. "Jumpin' time."

"You're crazy." Bubbles shook her head. "How are you not freaking out?!"

Butch looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Alright, Blondie. If you must know, jumping out of airplanes is sorta a speciality of mine." He held out a parachute to her and smiled.

She accepted it and did her best to fasten it on. Brick was next, followed by Blossom, then finally Butch. Said green-eyed-boy went over and triple checked that each person had their parachute on correctly.

Sure, they'd all jumped out of an airplane at least one in their lives. But Brick had shut down and gone completely quiet. Bubbles was freaking out. And Blossom? She was a shaking icy mess. That left Butch to take initiative.

It'd been so long since either of the girls had to do anything like this. It was bringing up memories of times they'd both rather forget about. However, unlike Buttercup none of them could erase their memories.

Blossom and once asked Buttercup why she didn't delete all the bad memories. She was able too, so why didn't she? The girl replied with something Blossom couldn't remember. But she knew it wasn't a complete answer. That there was more to it than a simple "because".

Another beep followed by static caught everyone's attention.

"Alrighty," Boomer started. The door to the pilots cabin opened and out stepped Buttercup and Boomer. "Planes on Autopilot." He took off his headset and set it down on a seat. "Y'all ready?"

"We've got three minutes before we need to jump." Buttercup ran a hand through her hair and closed her eyes. This felt like a setup to her. A ploy ran by the president. Maybe she didn't want Mojo rescued. What if she was working with Him to destroy everything? It'd make sense seeing as her fathers past.

Maybe that's why her file wasn't sealed? Because she wanted Buttercup to believe she could be trusted. That she had nothing to hide. Giving information that would appear evil and dangerous, only to hide what actually was.

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