♡Chapter 39

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The rain kept coming.

Brick came to the conclusion that he did not like the rain.

His hands had moved and now rested on Blossoms hips instead of her shoulders. His head was leaned back against the wooden wall. Bell had fallen asleep standing up—honestly, she was probably being held up by Blake.

"Hey uhhh... guys?" Boomers voice cut through the silence. He sounded nervous.

Uh oh. Blossom frowned. That's not good.

"What did you do, Boomer?" Brick asked.

Blossom giggled. They were on the same page then.

"Why are you always assuming it's me who did something?"

"Because you're you." Blossom chimed in.

"Spill, pretty boy." Brick yawned. "Not getting any younger while you waste time not talking."

"So there's a small hiccup in our side of the plan."

"Boomer," Blossom sighed.

"It wasn't my fault! This time it was all Butch!"

"So why isn't he telling us about your little hiccup?" Brick rolled his eyes.

He was expecting something along the lines of Butch complaining over having to keep quiet. Something where he'd tripped or fell and sprained an ankle—slowing down their pursuit of tracking Buttercup.

He was, by far, not expecting Bubbles to pipe up and say, "He can't talk because he practically threw himself at one of Him's monsters. He's being transported with Buttercup."

And all at once, Brick was insanely pissed off.

"He did what?!"

"Knew dad would be mad." Boomer said—probably to Bubbles.

Bubbles sighed. "We tried to stop him. But... he wouldn't listen."

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Brick snapped. "Why is it, that at any and every opportunity there is involving potential death, I find Butch and Buttercup at the front of the line with bright big fucking smiles on their faces as if they're waiting to get on some fucking ride at some fucking amusement park?!" He ran a hand through his hair—his arm bumping against Blossoms head.

"Watch it." She nudged her elbow into his abdomen gently. "I get you're pissed but you gotta remember we're in kinda a tight space."

"So you guys got stuck in this storm too, then?" Bubbles questioned.

"Stuck in a fucking tree." Brick grumbled.

"Riiiigghttt." Boomer cleared his throat. "So I'm gonna go now. The green-beans are en route to the professors location. Just thought you guys should know how fucked up this family is."

"I'm gonna kill them." Brick declared. "Every last one of 'em."

After a brief silence, Boomer piped up again. "Me too?"

"YES!" Brick yelled, earning another elbow to the ribs by Blossom.

"Stop yelling in my ear!" She hissed.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

She still had yet to say a single word to him.

Butch sighed.

He really didn't know what came over him back there. One minute he was hiding safely with Boomer and Bubbles, and next thing he knew he was throwing the whole plan out the window.

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