♡Chapter 17

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When Bubbles was a little girl, she tried her best to look on the bright side of things. It was difficult at times—being poked and pried at with needles had its disadvantages. Having a bubbly personality was how she'd been given her name. It took four years of being referred to as Experiment U.1-03 before the scientists decided to name the girls. Bubbles came from her personality. Sure, it was odd. But what names weren't? And it wasn't like she was going to go into the world as a normal girl. As much as she wished it, she was not normal. Incase the deer ears and snake eyes weren't your first indignation as to how odd she was, surely the cat whiskers and sharp canine teeth would ward you off.

Boomer, however, found her random bursts of nonsense absolutely mesmerizing. Everything about her was mesmerizing. From her blue eyes that made the oceans jealous, to her golden hair that grew lighter the longer she stayed in the sun. Hell, he was certain he was falling in love. She was an angel—as breathtaking as a sunset, and as dangerous as the night. Her name wasn't something he found odd.  Nothing about her struck him as odd in any way.

The sun danced over the horizon line, it's warm rays casting a glow into the cave.

Boomer had woken up minutes before. He longed for a cup of coffee—felt like a mindless idiot without it. But, he was glad he got to witness the breathtaking view before him. No, not the sunrise that looked to be painted with golds and rich reds. Not the way the sun scared off the darkness of the valley below. No, not any of those bewitching sights. Boomer held his breath and stared in awe at the girl before him.

Golden curls cast as a halo around her head. A soft, delicate expression on her face. The sun washed over her porcelain skin, making it almost appear to glow like an ember. She was astonishing—no, wait, she was breathtaking—no! That's not the right word either. Gosh! Why couldn't his brain work and help him figure out what to say?

Maybe because she cannot be defined by a single word. Ravishing! Glorious! Enchanting! Stunning! She's all of the above for crying out loud!

Bubbles nose twitched and her eyes squeezed shut. She rolled over so her back would face the sun. However, her head hit the frozen floor a little too hard, jolting her into an upright position.

Fists raised in front of her face as if she were about to defend herself against some threat. Her eyes were wide and shaking, as if bad dreams plagued her even while she was awake. Her eyes were glazed over, flickering between her baby-blues and a rich bronze that resembled that of an owl.

She found herself being able to breathe again—the air slowly entering her lungs. She lowered her hands and clapped a hand over her heart, the other over her stomach.

God, she hurt. She ached. An unquenchable thirst parched her tongue. The dull hunger of need coiled at the pit of her stomach. She needed food. She needed blood. Her mind slowly slipped away into oblivion. Her mind raced, trying to filter through her own self and the predator mindset that tormented her senses.

Movement from her right caused her head to snap in the direction the sound came from. Her ears morphed into the soft fluffy brown of a deer. Porcupine quills jabbed out of her knuckles, ready to be shot incase there was a threat.

Boomer stared back at her. He gave her an apologetic smile for startling her. His hands held beside his head so show he was a friend.

Bubbles smiled back, her ears disappearing and the quills dropping to the floor. "Hello, Boomer."

Her voice was like the sing-song melody of a harp and violin. An orchestra of perfection. Boomer sighed. Shit, he had it bad.

Boomer inched closer, sitting down beside her and stretching out his legs. "Hey. Sleep good?"

"Honestly? No." Her stomach growled. She looked a little green, as if she were about to—

Bubbles jolted to her feet and bolted out the cave. She leaned over the cliff-edge and threw up. Clear watery liquid stained the floor beneath her. It dripped down her chin when she sat back up. Her head tilted to the sky and she breathed in the cold fresh air.

Boomer crouched down beside her. He rested a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" His brows furrowed together.

"Side-effects of..." she blinked furiously. Another wave of nausea washing over her. "Of... of too many shifting into... umm..." she inhaled sharply. "Into... into predators." Exhale.

"Ah." Boomer nodded. "Can I help?"

"Do you happen to have water?" She looked at him, a small smile tugging on her lips.

Boomer chuckled. "Not currently. But I can find some."

Bubbles wiped her chin. "Thank you, Boomie."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Boomie. Boomer grinned. She'd called him Boomie.

"Hey," Buttercup whispered, leaning her head closer to Butch. "Why's pretty boy look like he's walking through a field of daisies?" She scrunched up her nose.

"I dunno." Butch shrugged. "Hey Boomer?" He nodded his head to the guy. "Get laid or something?"

"What?!" Boomer shrieked. His eyes widening to the size of the moon.

"Damn it, Butch." Buttercup hit him in the chest. "Not what I fucking meant!"

"Guys! Shut up!" Brick hissed from the front.

A few minutes after the sun arose, everyone was up on their feet. Which meant Brick and Blossom speed planning. They needed to get to safety. A location with water and food. Bubbles had reported seeing a town a few miles out—that was where they needed to go, Brick decided. So, immediately after Bubbles was no longer sick to her stomach, everyone was ushered on their feet and practically pushed out the cave.

They'd been walking for a while. All Boomer could think about was how Bubbles had called him a nickname. Had he looked like he just got laid? Butch obviously thought so.

During the beginning of the walk, Butch and Buttercup had started arguing over absurd bull shit. Brick got fed up and told 'em their speaking privileges were revoked ("Sure thing dad"—an eye roll from Butch. "Dude just grounded us"—a snicker from Buttercup).

"I am a grown ass woman." Buttercup frowned. "I am not going to let some little boy masquerading as a man—"

"You're a fucking ninnyhammer." Brick frowned, looking back over his shoulder to shoot her a glare.

Buttercup paused. That was a new word. She narrowed her eyes at the red-head as she searched her database for the definition of what that meant.

𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚢; 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚘𝚗, 𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕

Buttercup, instead retorting with another rude name call, began to laugh. "Hah! See?! This is what I meant when I said you needed to work on your insults!"

Brick rolled his eyes and groaned. "Shut up, Buttercup."

"That rhymed," Bubbles and Butch said in unison. Both then began to snicker and giggle.

"You two too!" Brick shouted. Blossom covered her mouth to muffle the giggles threatening to break through. "Not you too."

"Sorry, Jenkins." She smiled. "You're just so easy to rile up."

"I am not!" He gasped.

Boomer jogged up to Brick, knocking his shoulder against Bricks. "Face it, dad," Boomer snickered. "You really, truly, one-hundred percent-ly, are."

"God, I could really use a pair of noise canceling headphones right about now." Brick grumbled, a sigh escaping his mouth.

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