♡Chapter 50

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A little girl, maybe two or three years old, sitting cross-legged in the garden.

Red hair tied neatly into braids.

She'd been overwatering the plants because she was too busy watching a ladybug crawl across her knee.

Her mother call her inside.

Sitting at the dining table were two men in suits--one had a bleached white handlebar mustache. The other had shiny salt-and-peppered hair.

She remembered listening as her mother cried. Watching with curiosity as her mom frantically tried to explain how sorry she was.

Then the man with the handlebar mustache pulled out a syringe.

Stuck it in her neck.

Her world went black...

Blossom gasped. She jolted to an upright position, wildly searching her surroundings. Bubbles laid sprawled out on the floor, snoring peacefully. Blossom clutched a hand to her chest, trying to regain her breathing.

It was just a dream.

She hadn't had a dream in so long she forgot how real they felt. Epically when those dreams occurred. Memories disguised as dreams. Wrapped in pretty starlight and draped over sparkly facades. When in reality they were just bad nightmares troloping around as wishful thinking.

Blossom squinted her eyes; the morning sun blinding against the horizon. The fire had burned out. A mere pile of ashes surrounded by stone. Boomer and Buttercup were talking. She had a hologram displayed on her wrist, Boomer staring with a look of concentration.

Blossom didn't remember when she stopped considering Buttercup and Bubbles as other girls at the lab. She didn't remember when she began to consider them her sisters. When she began to feel as if their life was more important than hers.

But she knew it was around the same time Buttercup lost her hand. Around the same time Bubbles began to develop a mind of her own. Around the same time she herself almost blew up like a nuclear bomb.

At some point during the whole lab experience, Bubbles and Buttercup became her family. Her sisters. Her ride or dies. The loves of her life.

"Mornin'," Buttercup said as Blossom sat down beside her.

Blossom smiled. "What're you guys working on?"

"We're going over her charting and mapping to see if there's a way to turn off GPS tracking." Boomer explained. "Hey, zoom in on sector seven?"

Buttercup obliged. "Also, to potentially see if we can un-request a hit."

Blossom nodded. "Can I help with anything?"

"Nah. Just sit and keep us company." Buttercup shot Blossom a grin.

Boomer eyed the cyborg suspiciously. "What happened?"

"What?" Buttercup looked at him. "Why would you assume something happened?"

"Because you're being nice." Boomer pointed out. "You were supposed to be my partner in sarcasm, and yet here you are grinning like an idiot."

Buttercup's jaw dropped before her brows furrowed. "Just because I woke up in a good mood for once—"

"So something did happen." Boomer nodded.

Blossom chuckled. "He makes a point. You are nicer than usual."

Buttercup grumbled something under her breath. She switched off her hologram and crossed her arms. "I'm fine."

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