♡Chapter 29

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Night fell over the world like a cold blanket. Blossom and the other three were a few miles a head of Brick and the two. She hadn't heard any contact from her sister, Brick, nor Butch. She was worried but had to keep hope in her heart everything would be alright.

She'd started a fire as the others set up camp. Which was to say everyone pulled over a few logs they'd found and sat down beside the beautiful fire Blossom had made. She was a bit overly proud of this one.

The flames danced along the wooden twigs as if performing a ballet at Centre de Danse du Marais. Blossom smiled down at her fire. Centre de Danse du Marais is a prestigious ballet academy in Paris France. She'd just finished a romance novel set in a ballet boarding school, sending her into an obsessive rage about Paris France and ballet. Of course, this was before they'd all been swooped up into another crazy mission that kept turning into catastrophe after catastrophe.

Blossom sighed. Her heart felt heavy. Worry for Buttercup inked poison into her soul. Worry for Brick clouded her head. Worry for Butch ate away at her gut. Worry for all three seeped through her eyes, small tears trailing down her cheeks. "Please be okay," She whispered to herself as she walked into the surrounding trees. She needed to clear her mind and soothe her soul the only way she knew how.


Back at the fire, Boomer sighed. He watched Bubbles twiddle with the coils of her hair. The flames of the fire illuminating the saddened look in her eyes. Though she often walked with the angels, Boomer saw that she danced with the devils. Her white wings were dirty, her halo had been cracked. Terror, evil, and fear lurked beneath her façade.

Oh she was gorgeous. No, she wasn't just pretty. No, that word was far too superficial. She was otherworldly... like a dream coming to life. She was beauty and chaos intertwined. Part heaven, part hell. Even now as she seemed to be contemplating the values of life, pain twisted at his heart. An ache to talk to her. An ache to hold her hand and listen to her voice.

God, she made his dopamine levels go silly. Every time she looked his way, he felt like a silly little boy on a playground. Giddy, excited. He was so fucking in love it wasn't even funny anymore. She was a perfect arrangement of atoms. She'd made him feel more alive than ever. He felt like he had a place in the universe. Like maybe he wasn't as lost as he'd originally thought. He--

"You're staring." Bubbles chimed, her lips quirking up into a devils grin.

Boomer snapped out of his thoughts. Heat immediately spread across his face. Shit. "Sorry." He muttered.

"For?" She tilted her head.

I fucking love you. And it's fucking killing me. "I kinda...zoned out."

She laughed and shook her head, her curls bouncing up and down.

Ah, stomach! Meet, butterflies. Even in his head, his sarcasm was ever present.

"Usually when that happens, it means you're thinking about something." Bubbles stated. She pushed her hair over her shoulder and moved to sit directly beside him. "Whatcha thinking about?"

You. Always you. "Uhhh..." Boomer gulped. "Atoms."

"Atoms?" She frowned, her nose crinkling. "What about atoms?"

"Well, uhh," Boomer cleared his throat. Come on. You can do this. "They make up everything."

"I'm aware." An eyebrow raised and Boomer's stomach did a flip. She was smiling at him. Him. She, a goddess of life and beauty, was smiling at him, a total nobody. "But what makes that so interesting?"

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