♡Chapter 27

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"They're taking too long." Blossom paced back and forth.

"I'm sure they're fine." Bubbles tapped her foot against the floor at a nervous pace. "Perfectly fine." She was talking as if trying to convince herself, not those around her.

Boomer nodded. "Of course they're fine. Buttercup's crazy and Butch is insane." He could say that. He was the only one who could say that. Hours, on top of hours, on top of hours of torture. Only to watch them flirt with one another while giving the other a black eye or a busted cheek. He was the one who fell subject to constant yelling and pushing. Boomer was the one who was a guine pig for their idea that they could teach him how to defend himself in a week. Which, to be fair, they did accomplish 80%.

Visions of Buttercup's fist flying at his face in a 'surprise attack' plagued his nightmares. Memories of the first time he successfully blocked her surprise attack danced happily in his dreams. Butch's constant brotherly love of sorts warmed his heart. They'd become his family. They all had. A twisted broken family with a bunch of loosers. But a family none the less...his family.

So he needed them to be okay.

I can't loose another family.

"Buttercup is not crazy." Blossom shot.

"Um." Bell raised her hand as if she were in a classroom. Endearing, Boomer frowned. "She kind of is. Psychologically, all of you are cr--"

"Hey!" Boomer's face twisted with anger. "You take that back. She is not crazy!"

Bell blinked. "You just said--"

"She wanted to save your ass." Boomer's eyes narrowed. "At least pretend to be grateful."

"I am extremally grateful!" Bell gasped.

"Yeah right." Boomer rolled his eyes. "That's why you called her crazy."

"Actually," Bell placed her hands on her hips. "I agreed with you. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING CRAZY! So what she hears voices? I happen to think her to be my knight in shining armor. My savior of sorts." Bell stuck her nose up in the air. She was about to go on a rant about how technically all of them had the right qualifications to be deemed crazy. But Boomers glare never gave her the chance.

Boomer scoffed. "Y'know who's crazy? You! You're crazy!"


"I AM AN ASSHOLE!" Boomers said as one would declare they're an utter delight. "WHAT GAVE YOU THE IMPRESSION I'D BE NICE?!"

"WELL, GEE." She rolled her eyes. "AT LEAST YOU'RE AWARE YOU'RE A DICK!"

"Guys!" Blossoms tone cut sharply through the air. "Shut. Up."

"She started it." Boomer turned his back to the white-haired girl.

"I agreed with you!" Bell's jaw dropped.

"Everybody shut the hell up!" Bubbles tone had taken on a deeper, more angry malice than her usual cheerful giggles. "My sister is risking her life for a stranger! She's risking her life for family! She is sticking true to a deal she made! She's followed through on her promise to save your life--" a pointed look towards Bell "--and she made a deal with Butch she is following through on right now. Crazy? Yes. But she is fucking amazing at what she does. Her word is her word. So shut the hell up!"

A silence fell over everyone. Boomer shot a panicked look towards Blossom. He wasn't sure he'd ever heard her yell before. Blossom shrugged her shoulders, though ice had begun to circle her neck as if it were a necklace of bruises. Obviously, Boomer noted, Blossom had rarely ever heard Bubbles yell.

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