♡Chapter 43

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The door crashed open. Butch paused mid-block to look—earning a right hook to his jaw.

Bubbles threw herself on Buttercup, tackling her to the floor. Her hair was pinned under Buttercups head, the painful tug not outweighing the ache in Bubbles heart when she saw the tears on her sisters face.

She faltered.

Buttercup pushed her sister off, jumped to her feat and hurdled towards Butch.

Why couldn't he understand? She wondered.

She felt so helpless. All she could do was watch. Like a horror-filled movie on a screen, she was stuck looking through her eyes as if they were nothing more than a window. She had no way of shoving her own opinions into her actions.

She tackled Butch to the ground.

Bubbles looked around, her eyes finding a pair of scissors. "I am so sorry." She grabbed onto the handle. "But you'll heal."

She drew the scissors above her head, then brought them down into Buttercups shoulder as she crashed into her sister. Buttercup yelled out in pain, hunched over herself about a foot away.

Bubbles helped Butch get to his feet. "What the hell happened?!"

"Bellum put a target on my head. And after I'm dead she's supposed to self-destruct or something." Butch's hands traced over his neck.

Bubbles heart fell. No.

"But, I think, she knows how to prolong it. She said target." Butch looked over at Buttercup, who yanked out the scissors and tossed them to the ground.

"Target?" Bubbles brows furrowed.

And suddenly, it all made sense.

Perfect, beautiful, lovely sense.

"Change target." Butch muttered right as Bubbles was coming to that conclusion.

"YOU STABBED ME!" Buttercup gasped, eyes trained on Bubbles.

"Oh dear," Bubbles gulped. "Hey, look, it was—"

Buttercup shot a blow to Bubbles abdomen. Said girl staggered back, wheezing as tears poured into her eyes. Buttercup tackled her to the ground.

"Buttercup U dot one dash zero two!" Butch shouted.

Her body stiffened.

Yes. She was smiling on the inside. He gets it!

"Fuck. It might not work if I'm the target." His eyes widened, glancing to Bubbles for help.

"Executive orders given by Bubbles U dot one dash zero three," Bubbles clutched on to her sisters wrists. Buttercup's hands were dangerously close to strangling Bubbles, and she didn't want to take any . "Termination code: seven, eight, three, three, nine. Target: Sarah Bellum. Priority: A."

It took a moment. For the order to process in her mind. For her life to slowly shift back to how it was before. For the fog to clear. For the red to fade.

Buttercup tenderly touched a hand to her head—her ears were ringing as if she'd just bore witness to an explosion. Her eyes hurt. Her shoulder—"Bubbles!" She gasped.

Butch's chest rose and fell. His jagged breathing stopped and he was now fully able to consume oxygen. "It worked!" He collapsed against the wall with a sigh.

Bubbles looked at her sister and grinned. "Sorry." She was proud of herself, regardless. Bubbles wiped away the smeared blood on her knuckles.

Buttercup went through the motions of patching herself up. "You listened." She muttered quietly, wiping away the tears that still fell down her cheeks. Damn it. Why won't these damn things stop?!

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