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Chapter 32

    Even the cheetah itself was stunned.

    He looked at the scratches on his arm in disbelief, and couldn't remember how long he hadn't bled.

    Not only did he not hurt the other party a single bit, but he was slashed lightly. Before he did it, he didn't expect this result at all.

    The cheetah turned his head angrily, but saw the black-haired boy standing still, and turned his body slightly.

    The pair of misty blue eyes were not far away, the eyelashes drooped slightly, and the irises slowly shifted to a position aimed at him, looking down at him with any emotion in the eyes.

    There was no anger, no fear, and not even the slightest bit of elation.

    As if all he was looking at was a mass of insignificant garbage.

    The cheetah's already charged muscles softened uncontrollably, and for some reason, it felt a chill that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

    But in the next second, Xia Zuo's fist interrupted his thoughts.

    The brown-haired boy just glanced at his friend, as if he was sure that he was not the one who was injured, and skipped over to Cesare, and accelerated at that moment, with overwhelming killing intent hidden in his bright golden pupils.

    His whole body seemed to be burning, but he didn't want to take care of it at all, only endless self-blame, fear and anger.

    He just didn't arrive.

    And this man was only a little bit close to killing César.

    No, yes, forgive, forgive! !

    The strong wind from the fist reached the cheetah's unprotected eyes in just an instant.

    "You actually hurt César in front of me—"

    the first punch.

    "Go to hell!!!!"

    The second punch.

    Faster and heavier fists hit Cheetah's body intensively, and he couldn't react at all, and he couldn't even gather energy to use his talents.

    ... At the very beginning, he clearly had the opportunity to avoid and even counterattack.

    Why did he hesitate?

    The severe pain in the body came non-stop, but it couldn't offset the growing chill in the cheetah's heart.

    ——At the moment when he was knocked down to the ground, he caught another glimpse of the black-haired boy behind Xia Zuo.

    He put one hand in the trouser pocket of his uniform, and flipped the blood-stained silver blade carelessly with the other hand. Above him, there was a half-blocked blade, covering his eyes, and he could only see the curved blade vaguely. face with pursed lips.

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