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Chapter 104

    An unprecedented chill swept through the will of the manga, he stared at the black-haired young man in front of him who reminded him of this sentence, and suddenly felt that he had never known him before.

    "What's the matter with you?"

    The long black-haired warden tilted his head slightly, and there seemed to be a faint smile on his lips. Intuition humming, frantic warnings in the back of your head.

    "...It's nothing." The Manga Will came back to his senses, and said cautiously, "I just feel that you are different from before."

    But it can't tell what's different, it just feels something is wrong.

    Fortunately, the contract object didn't break up with it on this matter, but continued to look at something.

    "This is..." Manga Will was a little surprised: "Information about the picket tower?"

    The sense of danger brought to Manga Will by the black-haired youth before has all been restrained, as if everything just now was just an illusion of Manga Will. When he heard the question of the manga's will, he said in a calm tone, with a good temper:

    "Although the federation and the picket tower have enmity, the federation is an excellent barrier between Eastwit and the picket tower. But now, the federation has It ceases to exist.”   

  His speaking speed was unhurried: “It’s true that the Picket Tower is not like the Alliance, and the people’s grievances are boiling. With many talent holders, their methods are much smarter, and what they do is much more secretive. .If someone else overthrows the Federation, they may wait and see for a while—”  

   But the problem is that the current human leader is called Shazuo Freeman.   

  Freeman has a feud with Picket Tower.    

 Whether it was the past or the present, ancestors or descendants, Picketta was sure that Freeman hated them to the bone. 

    So will they sit still?  

   Obviously impossible.

    Even knowing that all of this might be seen by his own contractors, the will of the manga became a little nervous: "I can't observe their means and cards at all with my current strength. You have to be careful." After all, Picket and

    Clay Like Sister, they have been passed down for thousands of years. Although they are not as good at management as the Kleist family, and they are not as rich as the Kleist family in its heyday. It may continue to this day, and it has become such a scale. Obviously, there are trump cards that cannot be underestimated.

    And the Federation is too corrupt and bloated, and a lot of money and background have been spent on human experiments that are extremely resource-intensive, so it can be overthrown within a year.

    "Don't worry. Other forces can find a way to put nails in Isvetli, and of course Isvetli also has spies sent to other forces." The dark-haired

    young warden raised the corners of his lips unobtrusively: "The picket tower ..."

    The unfinished words behind were hidden by him, just when the will of manga was scratching its head and wanting to ask again humbly, it saw the black-haired young man blinking his eyes for a long time: "My Is the vacation enough? Send me back to reality."

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