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Chapter 114

    While a group of people were still arguing about whether César was right or wrong, more people had already sensitively noticed Ursula's voice, which took up almost half a page.

    [I always feel that this ending will go to be, and reach the world he... "hot"]

    [Main building: Like the title, when I saw the latest chapter, I flipped through the previous summary post, and re-read the manga, I can only say "Absolute Talent" has buried a hole from the beginning and is ready to kill us all... Could it be that the three of us at the beginning were just a scam to kill me (crying) Zhiyi, you have no heart (crying)

    ] , When the Federal Director's daughter appeared and said that passage, I really didn't think it would be a plot that could correspond to the later stage. I thought it was purely to highlight the importance of Xia Zuo as the protagonist, and by the way The result of the last wave of friendship... and as the next floor said, the first meeting between Caesar and Xia Zuo was also very strange. And Caesar hasn't been particularly happy, has he?

    [If he knew his fate was inescapable, he could explain it. What is the motivation for people to survive in a life that can be seen at a glance...] [1l: Seriously,

    I read "Absolute Talent" "It's purely for the feelings of the protagonist group, but when I saw Ursula's place, I was stupid...] [

    Can I understand that César really gave his friends the most sincere feelings? , but he can’t change his own destiny at all, no matter how he changes, everything will follow the established track in the end, and it may even hurt other people (the dead sea monster goes ashore and the world overturns be ending), so he can only greet himself silently and gently The future...]

    [2l: Back to 1l, I really burst into tears, my favorite character in "Absolute Talent" is actually Cesar, not because of his mystery or high IQ, but because of the contradictions in him And a gentle temperament, that kind of helplessness and gentleness hidden under the careless surface, which can be seen through small details]

    [3l: He is clearly the real angel ah, why do you say he is a villain...]

    [4l: Yes, and it seems that everyone has ignored the "cornerstone", "cornerstone"! It sounds like a character who must sacrifice all self-giving. Zeshen cherishes friendship and the world, but he never thinks about himself... If my guess is true and the cornerstone is not misleading information, then combined with the previous Zeshen's performance, he doesn't want to live but wants to live for the world, it's too bad]

    [5l: Yes, he was even physically weak for more than ten years because of it, when he first met the protagonist in the comics, he was slapped You all know about vomiting blood, right? (covering your chest and crying)...]   

  [6l: I feel that Caesar is losing his "humanity" step by step, the tenderness, compassion, and friendship he wants to keep, all one by one Peeling off from him, it's almost like Ling Chi...]     

[7l: The Ling Chi mentioned above is so right, I saw that the three stages summed up by someone on the forum have such a feeling! ! I really don't think César is someone who wants to become a god. It doesn't feel like his pursuit. It doesn't match his personality at all, let alone hurting his friends in order to become a god...]  

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