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Chapter 120

    Ursula froze.

    She raised her head in a daze, took the fruit, and suddenly recalled her heartfelt voice of "she is a beautiful and lovely child" when they first met.

    Caesar is always like this... When people don't expect it, he will suddenly do something that makes people's psychological defenses collapse in an instant.

    The black-haired girl carefully put the fruit into her arms.

    César blinked, but he didn't care about it, nor did he ask, but continued to move forward at a leisurely pace.

    Xia Zuo tried his best to turn his eyes away from the fruit. Unlike Ursula, he also gave César a fruit before the little girl went with them.

    So he immediately felt a mysterious and subtle sense of fate, which made him fall silent involuntarily.

    ...However, Caesar doesn't seem to be in the worst situation yet, there is only one way right now, and that is to follow him to find the Jingu.

    Although Caesar did not stop himself and Ursula from following, Xia Zuo didn't think that Caesar would answer their questions now. Maintaining the status quo and adapting to changes after arriving at the shrine is the only way to deal with it at present.

    Thinking of this, Xia Zuo suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by a notch, and even he couldn't stop the chill that penetrated into his bones.

    ——They have already entered the range of the Northern Wilderness Ice Realm.

    Xia Zuo's face became serious, and he began to mobilize the natural power in his body.

    However, the further you go, the more difficult it is to dispel the coldness. Xia Zuo even thinks that this kind of coldness is indiscriminate for all biased talents, and it symbolizes hope and warmth. , Now it is estimated that he is also terribly frozen like him.

    Xia Zuo couldn't help but look up at the black-haired young man who had been walking in the front.

    The whole body of the opponent seemed to have a stance, which isolated him from the biting cold wind around him and the cold that penetrated into the bone marrow. If you observe carefully, you can even notice that the wind and snow are all walking around him.

    Wind and snow around.

    Xia Zuo pursed his lips.

    ——There have been many rumors about the Northern Wilderness Iceland, but just like the Dead Sea of ​​Della, the forbidden area of ​​human beings does not mean the forbidden area of ​​other creatures. It is estimated that there are only a lot of difficult native creatures hidden here. And in this extreme region, human beings have no power to parry.

    But they have been traveling for so long, and they have never seen any other creatures, as if the northern wilderness is really just a very cold wasteland without any life.

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