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Chapter 95

    ——The only thing this prison needs is the warden.

    The comic will is silent.

    As it turns out, it does.

    Even if there are no prison guards and only César is alone, he can control the entire prison in the palm of his hand.

    There is no doubt that he is a qualified - even perfect warden.

    ...How did I choose him in the first place?

    It should be said whether it is the European Emperor or the African Chieftain, it can be bound to this thing.

    César knew that Manga Will must be complaining about himself at this time, and he didn't expose it. He just watched the content in the surveillance calmly, as if he would never feel tired and boring.

    Even if it is the will of the comics, seeing this scene will feel faintly creepy.

    After all, ever since the black-haired young man took over as the warden, he often needs to check and monitor, and the job of the warden is not so easy to do. The objects he has to deal with are a group of vicious criminals. Highly tense, and worry about the normal operation of various facilities in the prison, the work content is not interesting at all.

    However, it found that the dark-haired young man never showed any expression of irritability or fatigue.

    He is like a rational and calm machine, always reliable, always meticulous.

    "By the way, how far has your ability progressed?" Manga Will suddenly realized that César hadn't revealed his ability for a long time.

    The expression of the black-haired young man remained unchanged: "Anxin, I have an absolute advantage in Isvetri."

    "Then how is your body?

    " There is a faint smile.


    The comic will vaguely feel that something is not right, but it is not actually wrong, it is just a weird feeling, which makes it feel like a pain in the back.

    "Want to watch a movie?"

    the black-haired youth asked with a smile.

    The manga's will was instantly invigorated, and he threw all doubts to the sky, and happily replied: "Look!"


    513 is a highly qualified prison guard in the Eastwitt Prison for the Mad.

    His original task was to stare at the monitoring room every day, observing every move of the prisoner day after day, monotonous and boring, and very exhausting—you can never guess what the intentions of these psychopaths are, maybe you think It's harmless, they will eventually cause a big crisis, and what you think is extremely serious is just a small joke on their part.

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