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Chapter 80

    Eastwit Prison for the Madman is located behind the mountains and in front of the Dead Sea. It occupies the most precipitous terrain among the mountains and seas, and the altitude is extremely high.

    There is very little warm weather here, just looking up from the bottom, ignoring the seemingly insignificant but actually extremely strong energy shield, one can see the incomparably blue sky.

    It's just that many prisoners here have been here for a long time, and they have no interest in this so-called sky at all.

    Some of them are even numb. There are almost no flaws in Eastwit Prison for the Mad. It is extremely difficult to escape, and the prisoners in the prison are better than each other. For these people, this place is as boring as hell.


    "2271 is out of the confinement cell?"

    The news spread quickly after someone saw the man's ostentatious red hair.

    Even the lunch we went to the public restaurant today—the breakfast and dinner in the prison are delivered to the cells, and the prisoners will not be given a chance to leave the cell—has become extremely worrying for the bottom prisoners in Eastwood up.

    The highest standard enforced by Eastwaite Prison for the Mad Men is to prevent prisoners from escaping. Besides, whether the prisoners live or die has nothing to do with them, and they don't care at all.

    But they generally do not take the initiative to execute prisoners, because it is obviously more cost-effective for them to let prisoners work for the operation of the prison.

    Therefore, they sometimes even protect the prisoners in the prison, not only to prevent some people from taking advantage of the chaos, but also to add more coolies.

    "What a Yaron, he really dares to come out so ostentatiously, he was the one who killed us last time!" The

    blond woman didn't react when she heard the words, but twisted her fingers, obviously missing her cigarette. But it doesn't matter if she doesn't, she casually threw the hair hanging on her chest behind her, and when she stood up straight and walked out, she seemed to be much taller than the man beside her.

    The strong skeleton and smooth muscles, as well as the strong evil spirit that can escape without deliberately creating it, all show how difficult she is to deal with.

    In Eastwit Madman Prison, when talent no longer explained everything, one's own ability was particularly critical.

    When she first entered Eastwit, her loose prison uniform covered everything, and her curly and fluffy hair also vaguely covered her scars. With her blond hair and perfect figure, a few Xiaoxiao mistakenly thought she was What a messy woman.

    Or according to their stereotypes, the women who can enter here only rely on their strong talents. Once they lose the help of their talents, they will be slaughtered.

     Those idiots went crazy, they started drooling when they saw the blond woman's good figure that couldn't be blocked by the loose prison uniform, and they couldn't even wait until the next day when they could move around, when the prison guard led the blond woman passing by, Frivolously made color jokes, and even reached out to her.     - The result is obvious.   

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