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Chapter 69

    Xia Zuo actually always felt that Christine was a little too rational.

    Or, to be more precise, emotionally weak.

    His mood swings seem to be always maintained within an extremely small range, always very faint, superficial, and even make people wonder if he has feelings, and whether all the things he usually expresses are all camouflage.

    If it is said that when facing believers, his benevolence, which is divided into countless pieces, will appear a little small on an individual, but when his relatives are killed and he sees his enemies, is he actually so indifferent?

    Xia Zuo suddenly felt that Christine was like a real "god".

    Instead of the "good man" who he thought was sympathetic to all living beings.

    But the current situation is not the time for him to think so much. After accidentally lifting a floor, Xia Zuo discovered that under this picket tower, some young deep-sea monsters that were not powerful were also imprisoned.

    At the same time, there was the sound of wings waving behind him, and it was Christine who also came here.

    The eyes of the black-haired prophet seemed to see the scene ahead through the silk cloth. Xia Zuo didn't know what he was thinking, but he could only hear Christine slowly saying: "

    These are pure monsters, without humanity. They should be It is the picket tower who wants to imitate the experiment of the Federation, but it has not had time to start." "


    Christine calmly said to Moore who was injured earlier:

    "Kill them."

    The blond angel did not have any Questioning, even turning a blind eye to his bleeding wings, he immediately pulled out his saber again and swung it down without hesitation.

    Xia Zuo, who was standing above the basement, was silent for a moment, and said dryly:

    "...You don't need to ask her to do it, I know these things are harmful to human beings, and I won't soften my heart."

    Obviously he was unscathed, and his combat power was higher than that of Moer. No matter how you look at it, he was the best candidate to clean up, but the black-haired prophet still chose Moer instead of him.

    The black-haired prophet didn't feel any discomfort or anger because of his words, but explained gently: "I know, but your friends always have some contact with them, and killing them is likely to be a kind of harm to you, Freeman."

    And Moore quickly completed his task. Facing the powerful talent holder hidden here, she was completely restrained, but it was more than enough to deal with a few deep sea monsters who were imprisoned.

    "Your Majesty." The injuries on her body could not suppress her excitement and anger at all, and Moore immediately saluted Christine with a calm voice, but Xia Zuo's pupils shrank suddenly when he said: "I beg you... Bless the people."

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