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Chapter 79

    In the comic plot with Xia Zuo as the protagonist, when he decides to continue fighting, the focus will definitely be on the tense and less youthful combat plot, leaving much less scenes for César.

    But Cesare didn't want any extra footage.

    No matter how many shots, there is not enough effect, and it is useless if he asks for it.

    What's more, his appearance in the comics and his sudden disappearance, according to the routine, comic readers will only guess his identity and purpose, and whether he is in the prison for the madman in Eastwood, and will not feel that Christine is dead.

    They may even feel that even Cesar is not dead.

    What Cesare Kleist looks like now is more suitable for Shazzel Freeman and Ursula to be revealed unexpectedly from their perspective when they come here.

    "As expected of you," the manga will have mixed feelings, "Forcibly transform yourself into a character like the protagonist." You must know

    that if César hadn't appeared suddenly, the original plot should have Xia Zuo encountering disaster alone. Sulla couldn't take her away either, she just got more information and increased her determination to oppose the Federation.

    There is a high probability that he will meet other friends, confront the Federation and the picket tower one by one, resist, upgrade, and finally find a way to awaken the gods to save the world.

    But now almost all his decisions are inseparable from César.

    Even César even greatly accelerated Xia Zuo's progress in the original prediction.

    "I'm not in a hurry, but can you wait?"

    Unexpectedly, the black-haired teenager smiled.

    Manga Will paused.

    César didn't go into details, but asked a question calmly:

    "Did we know each other before?"

    Manga Will became vigilant: "Why do I feel this is a trap? But of course we don't know each other. I chose you from the vast sea of ​​people." of."

    It vaguely felt something was wrong, but when the answer was spoken, it still didn't know what was wrong.

    The black-haired boy blinked his eyes, noncommittal.

    The will of the manga felt even more wrong when it saw this scene. It repeatedly recalled what was wrong with this passage of its own, and then realized that the problem of the black-haired boy seemed familiar.

    Manga will: "..."

    It seems, as if, a long time ago - almost the beginning of everything, the black-haired boy also asked it.

    He asked: [Excuse me, do I know you? ]

    And how did it answer at that time?

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