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Chapter 63

    Xia Zuo was still immersed in his thoughts, and his mind was a little distracted. He just walked back slowly with Christine, watching the surrounding trees gradually become extremely sparse.

    The black-haired prophet is obviously barefoot, stepping on the dust, but not stained with the slightest dust, even Xia Zuo is often surprised, and begins to doubt whether the top-level light bias talent has the effect of removing dust.

    As he was thinking about it, Xia Zuo suddenly saw from the corner of his eye that a branch above their heads, as if finally unable to support the weird environment of the barren area, fell down without warning, even pointing downwards, facing the The head of the black-haired prophet is like a sharp knife.

    Xia Zuo:! !

    His brain was too quick to react, and he didn't have time to think. He immediately pulled the black-haired prophet away, and at the same time reached out to catch the branch.

    Logically speaking, the position of the branch is not high, and it is not a strong and sharp thing, but Xia Zuo's intuition was crazily warning, and he saw the danger of death from the branch, even the white gold of the prophet The scene of sacrificial clothes being dyed red uncontrollably emerged in my heart.

    The brown-haired boy pursed his lips, looked at the branch in his hand, and slowly opened his palm.

    ——I saw the palm, bloody and bloody.

    Before he knew it, a thin layer of cold sweat had formed on his back, and his spirit tensed up.

    His physical fitness is comparable to those of the talent holders whose talents act on the physical body. He grabbed this branch from the side, but even so, he was injured unexpectedly.

    What would happen if the black-haired prophet with overdrawn strength was targeted at the head by the sharp part?

    Xia Zuo didn't dare to imagine.

    And the prophet who was pulled away by him seemed to shake slightly, with black hair hanging down on his forehead, appearing in Xia Zuo's sight. Xia Zuo was already nervous, so he immediately asked reflexively:


    "...Christine, how are you? Can you still go?"

    Hearing this, César glanced at him.

    The brown-haired boy stiffened visibly to the naked eye, and even his anxious expression seemed to be frozen on his face, falling into a subtle state of panic, as if he was both anxious about the state of his new friends and because he had just Feeling overwhelmed by the slip of the tongue.

    Noticing the pause of the black-haired prophet, he froze even more, stuck in place.


    The black-haired prophet sighed softly, and said naturally, "I'm fine, Freeman. As for the accident just now..."

    His gaze swept across the bloody palm of the brown-haired boy: " It’s just my daily life. Let’s deal with your wounds first. Go back and don’t accommodate me.” ——Before the

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