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Chapter 49

    Of course, the black-haired boy could tell that she wasn't lying, and was quiet enough to listen to her, but he bent his eyes and asked suddenly: "

    You know so much, can the chief executive let you run out. "

    Ina was taken aback.

    "Think about it, Miss."

    The smile in César's eyes faded, and he regained his calmness like a glacier, and said lightly: "It's not your fault to be stupid, but don't be used by others, and you will be complacent in return ”

    ——If he has such a daughter who knows so much and still disagrees with his ideas, to put it mildly, he will not show mercy.

    Thinking about it, even if he loved his daughter like a fool, he would not make such an obvious mistake.

    It's just that there are wolves in the front and tigers in the back, and they seem to give them a new choice with good intentions. In fact, no matter what the choice is, in the eyes of the other party, the result is the same.

    If you want to break the situation and leave, you can only kill—

    whether it is killing or being killed.

    César didn't care what the delicate princess thought.

    Everything he said just now was just for comic readers. Now that his goal has been achieved, he will naturally not give her any more gentle words.

    no need.

    ——Of course, even this attitude is also a foreshadowing that he gave to future comic readers, allowing them to follow some things.

    César: I worry too much about the rationality of the comics.jpg

    He ignored Ina Jess, but lowered his eyes to the central conference room, which seemed to be still calm.

    There was no fear or tension in the blue eyes of the black-haired boy. Even if someone threw a piece of information that seemed true or false, he still maintained that calmness that even made people feel a little creepy.

    It seemed that he didn't care about life or death or winning or losing.

    Ina couldn't help being slightly dazed, thinking—

    compared to Xia Zuo, he was more like the high priest who...was able to wake up the sleeping gods, the prophesied high priest——the most "inspired" divine protector among human beings .

    But the reality didn’t keep Yi Na in a trance anymore. The black-haired boy quickly made a decision. He told Ursula to stop—if she also followed, it would be fine to save one of Xia Zuo, but it would be difficult to save two by force. He's partial—he doesn't want to fall into a state where his san value is cleared for the time being.

    Then César called Xia Zuo to lead him past the interception, and headed to the executive office, which was extraordinarily lively because of the fight.

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