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Chapter 73

    The alliance belongs to the gray moon area.

    The warden of the second-level prison in the Gray Moon District, Wilson, finished his day's work and suppressed the inmates' riots one after another. He pinched his eyebrows wearily, and didn't respond to the fact that the people in the barren area were about to capture the Gray Moon District.

    In other words, when he discovered the secrets buried in the prison, he was already disappointed with the alliance.

    Since the news came that the army formed in the barren area would not harm ordinary people, and the Gray Moon area could not be defeated, Wilson naturally didn't want to care about it.

    At the same time, he is also very clear that his prison will definitely be "taken care of". After all, he has armed forces here, even if it is a small threat, it is still a threat.

    Sure enough, by midnight, the people from the barren area finally arrived.

    Sitting in his office, Wilson sighed slightly when the office door was knocked.

    "It's you... Xia Zuo Freeman."

    His name was on the notice issued by the alliance, and Wilson took a look at it and remembered it.

    If there was anyone who escaped to the deserted area while killing all the way, and brought people back, not only did not harm civilians, but even the warden who visited him was so polite, then he could only think of Xiazuo Freeman.

    The door was opened.

    Xia Zuo, who is transforming from a teenager to a young man, has much longer hair than when he first came here, and it has fallen below his shoulders. The redness at the tip of his hair seems to be stained with blood, and he looks a little less than he was then Young and lively, a little more mature and cold.

    But when he saw Wilson, he seemed to think of something, and his expression eased a little: "Long time no see, Warden." "

    Long time no see."

    Wilson nodded to him: "Find a seat and sit down .You didn't come to me just to catch up on the old days?"

    The brown-haired boy was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly: "I want to ask you something...about Caesar."

    Wilson paused.

    ——He was the warden of the second-level prison, so he had naturally heard that a black-haired boy who broke into the Federal Executive Office died in the joint killing of the director and the elders of the picket tower.

    There was nothing but ashes and smoke, not even a whole body.

    Wilson didn't know what Xia Zuo wanted to do, and he would no longer equate the boy in front of him with the one he had seen before. Who knew what kind of unpredictable changes would happen to the other party's personality after such a long time? What's more, what he lost was his best friend who had been with him for a long time.

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