128: Extra

128 6 0

Chapter 128

Moore blinked and woke up from a deep sleep.

She found herself lying in a completely unfamiliar room, with a soft bed under her body, and a fan-shaped window beside her, shining bright light.

The blond girl was in a daze, and she was not even sure if what happened before was just a dream of hers.

Mo Er walked out slowly, was startled again, and froze in place.

A young man with long black hair was standing under the oracle flower tree, reaching out to pick off a blooming flower.

She had dreamed of such a scene engraved deep in her memory countless times, but none was as real as it is now.

"You're awake."

A calm and gentle familiar voice sounded, but it used a statement full of certainty, as if it had already witnessed her waking up.

"...Your Majesty."

Mo'er couldn't help taking a step forward, his voice trembling: "Is it you...?"

The black-haired young man blinked, laughed and joked: "As my envoy, but even I Don't you recognize it?"

"No!" Moore denied immediately, and tried to take a step forward cautiously again, and found that all this hadn't dissipated, his eyes lit up inch by inch, but his cheeks were a little embarrassed. Hong: "...But I really can't bear the title of God's envoy. I'm just a believer who conveys your will." The

black-haired young man smiled lightly: "You already are.

" The lawsuit on the number.

At this time, Moer also completely remembered the previous events, knowing that he should be taken into the shrine that belonged to the black-haired god and set up in the human world, and was almost moved to tears.

The first thing Mianxia appeared was to save her! He also brought her into his shrine in a coma! Also pay attention to when she will wake up - she will always be the pusher of the crown!

"Cesar! Moore!"

Just as Moer was about to say a few more words to the Crown Prince she was thinking of, an annoying voice sounded very penetratingly: "Moer, you are awake! Also, Caesar, Ursu and I La is ready!"

Moer, who was interrupted, turned around slowly, with a smile without any emotion on the corner of his lips: "What a coincidence, F-Le-Man."

Xia Zuo stopped immediately Inexplicably thinking that getting closer to this blonde woman at this moment would make him lucky to be separated from his body.

Then Xia Zuo heard the light laughter of his best friend gloating and being amused.

Can a friend's smile be called gloating? That's called not holding back!

"It was I who asked Xia Zuo to come here now because I knew you were going to wake up, Moer." Smiling again, César still kindly explained the truth: "You have worked hard all this time, how about taking a vacation today?"

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