130: Extra

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Chapter 130

  "Dingling bell..."

  The bell rang at the end of the exam. Xia Zuo picked up the backpack on the podium and walked out of the classroom. He saw the black-haired boy waiting for him outside the door.

  The black-haired boy was wearing a peaked cap, plain glasses and a black mask, and was looking down at his phone. When he walked over, he put away the phone as if he had opened his eyes, and straightened his body: "Do you want to go back? Or Take a walk around the school?"

  Xia Zuo's surprise "Xizawa" was instantly blocked in his throat, but...it would be scary if he called out this name, after all, he entered the talent with the first grade in all subjects. The people in the academy had attracted much attention before the start of the school year, and after someone accidentally took a picture of him, the enthusiasm doubled in an instant.

  ...If other people know that he and Nishizawa grew up together, they will definitely be torn apart by some fanatical fans.

  Xia Zuo has an attitude of trust in the mental state of some people in the Talent Academy.

  "It's nothing fun to go home," Xia Zuo scratched his head, "You cleared the game I bought back in half an hour, I remember your new book hasn't arrived yet, and you should have finished your homework, right?" ..."

  Thinking about it this way, the life of his best friend turned out to be so boring.

  Xia Zuo fell into silence: "..."

  suddenly felt a little subtle. Is this the difference between people?

  "It's not that boring." César blinked, "After all, I still have to manage the family company." Freeman,

  whose family was planned to go bankrupt, was cashed out by the Crests: " ..."

  He silently covered his heart, and said firmly: "Cesis, I will work for you when I finish my studies!"

  Caesar's family has done so much for him, but he wants Caesar to waste time with him Playing... feel guilty.

  "Then let's go to the newly opened aquarium nearby!" Xia Zuo remembered the announcement he saw yesterday, and his eyes lit up: "I heard that there will be a mermaid show! I don't know what the show will be this time." Looks good, looking forward to it."

  Hearing this sentence, the black-haired boy tilted his head, seemed to think of something, and said with a smile, "Okay."

  You Shunran Xia Zuo immediately felt a familiar coolness.

  The brown-haired boy rubbed his arms, a little suspicious of life.

  ...It's just going to the aquarium to watch a mermaid show, there shouldn't be anything that makes my hair stand on end, right?

  Thinking of this, he took César into the aquarium, bought some food and souvenirs for the two of them, and held them obediently by himself, so that his best friend, who seemed to be out of this world, could relax enough.

  Perhaps because he felt that his long hair was in the way, the boy bought a scrunchie and tied it in a low ponytail.

  Xia Zuo looked at the young lady who sold the hair ring trying to give the hair ring to his best friend, and silently covered his face.

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