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Chapter 71

    The will of the manga is still unbelievable: "Xia Zuo will not easily doubt others, and want him to doubt you to this extent, unless you blew yourself up—but he will not listen to your one-sided     words


, How could he be inexplicable, suddenly revealing everything when Xia Zuo had no doubts.

    If it is drawn into a manga, it will definitely be questioned.

    When Christine heard this, she just smiled and said nothing.

    But after getting along for so long, what the manga will fear most is his performance.

    His smile and his silence both mean that he has thought up a careful plan and feasible means, but he doesn't need and don't want to share it with others.

    "...Your character, in the comics, is a typical villain." It felt the chill in the data stream, and couldn't help but whisper.

    No one responded to it.

    Comics Will has a vague sense of bad premonition.

    Sure enough, not long after, Xia Zuo returned to the White Elephant District again, but this time he led his team to occupy the Executive Office and other official federal agencies without harming any innocent people.

    At the same time, the few federal garrisons in this fringe area were unable to resist the talent holders from the barren area at all, and retreated steadily.

    The comrades-in-arms suggested a small celebration. They are all believers of the prophet and have quit many bad habits. They just want to drink some wine, sing and play the piano again.

    Xia Zuo refused.

    He knew that they stayed here not long, and the next step to go was the Gray Moon District, the superior area of ​​the White Elephant District, and they were in a hurry. But before that, he wanted to visit the places Caesar had been to before.

    Holding a fruit, he first went around the inter-district checkpoints of the White Elephant District and the Gray Moon District, thinking of his not-so-smart appearance before, he still wanted to laugh.

    But thinking of something, his smile faded instantly.

    Xia Zuo Freeman is not someone who will be trapped in the past, so his emotions are quickly suppressed, but when he went back, he was attracted by an inconspicuous storefront - the brunette boy

    blinked lower eyes.

    [Do you know that there is something in this world? 】

    【What? ]

    [—fake evidence. 】

    ——He seems to have heard his friend say so.



    Even though the shop was inconspicuous, it was somewhat affected by the battle, and the old man was cursing in a low voice.

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