Part 22

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I saw my beauty sleeping peacefully hugging me. I woke up slowly not to brake her beautiful sleep. But my small movie made her to sit up fast and run to toilet. I was more than shocked, I couldn't form words to even ask her what has happened. I ran towards her and tried to open the door, which was locked.

"y/n , are you ok? Is everything ok there?" I asked her.

She opened the door with a sigh and then smiled at me, making me more confused.

"I have been wanting to pee from two o' clock, I didn't got up because I didn't want to wake you up. Now when you woke up, I ran for my urgency". she told making me laugh at her sighing. She went out to see the view, while I went to freshen up.

When I came out, I saw my wife waiting for me with a cup in her hand for me. I went near her and grabbed it making her looked at me instantly. I kept my cup and went towards the refreshment side to make her some tea. I have never seen her drink tea during our marriage life. She came towards me back hugging me. I smiled at her and she gave me a small peck in my neck by being in her toes. She was a bit smaller than me. I looked at her by changing my position to hug her.

"Please don't make tea for me, I dont like tea, I usually have coffee. Which is forbidden by you because of my sugar level. But now my sugar level is in great condition, so can I have some coffee". she begged me.

I nodded and she kissed me stopping my breath. I made her some coffee with less sugar. While drinking she gave me a face. A face which was pleading for more sugar.

My firm nod for a no made her angry to me I think.

"Now come on tell me, how many babies do you want". I asked her. she immediately chocked the coffee and started coughing making me instantly stand and help her.

"are you ok?" I asked her.

"yah I am fine". she told me smiling.

"why did you chock, I am you husband I definitely have to ask you about your decision and dreams before going to step ahead. For me I want both baby boy and girl. And that too after loving you more than ever anyone have done". I told her. I saw a tear fall from her eyes.

"why? what happened?" I asked her in extreme shock.

She mumbled a 'Thank you' to me. I hugged her life out. She is all I have. All I have to love. To show my anger to, to hug her, to kiss her, to make love out of her, to make her my babies mother even.

"Now no more tears. Let us enjoy these days, because I wont be able to enjoy a lot after the trip, where I will have more patients. I will be busy and you will be busy with college and lectures. Come on freshen up and then let us go. The newly wed will be waiting for us" I told her for which she giggled.

We both got freshen up and came outside to saw the couple talking. While Jungkook cracking a joke and Aru instantly covering her mouth whenever she laughs. She is like a sister to me. I always wanted a younger sister to pamper, for which god heard my prayers and gave me one, a pure one.

When she saw me, she came to me and hugged me. Y/n went towards Jungkook and hugged him. I think Jungkook also loves to pamper his younger sister through teasing. I am sure one day, either she will kick his ass out or like we can see he is digging his own grave. Poor Aru.

After breakfast we went for side seeing. Both our ladies were awestruck by the view. We went near them and enjoyed the view along with them. My lady hugged me and thanked me a lot, which I appreciated with a kiss on her mouth.

Both of us couple went different way. We were sitting on a bench, while I saw her thinking something deeply.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her.

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