Part 31

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I am not a medical practioner. Hope you understand.

Y/n pov

"Please oppa. I don't want this. Kookie please tell him to spare me" I told and almost tried to ran from there. I know if he get me it will be the end of my day for running.

Oppa is trying to give me insulin before food, while I try to escape. When I tried to run, he told me "if you even think of running no one will be angrier than me. You got it?" He asked me with his most angriest from that I have never seen.

While I felt someone hugging me from the back, I knew it was jimin. Only he can stop me from running by his hold. Oppa came near me and I almost started to shiver while thinking about some of my old memories, which I never wanted to think of.

I cried out loud for help. Kook took me to a hug. I know I am not crying because of pain, but because of old memories that torture me.

"Why did ... you .... hold me jimin. You....know that....I am afraid of it. Then ... why did you?" I asked him in between my hiccups.

"Y/n your fear will only leave you if you face it, otherwise it is going to hunt you down in every sphere of your life" he told me kissing my cheeks. I nodded relieving that it is over.

Oppa helped me to sit in the bed. I know he was angry on me. Who will not? He was about to go when I hold his hand and told him "are you still angry on me. I am sorry. I was really scared of it. That was why. I already told you right? Please don't get angry on me. Please." I almost begged him with my tears.

I think it touched his part of soft corner. He sighed and sat near me hugging me and told "don't you ever try to such stund. What would have happened if you run. I can't even think about it y/n. And if you do that again I won't talk to you no matter what. Ok?"

"Yah I understood I won't do that again. Promise." I told him in slow voice head down.

"Nothing will happen like you think. It is like you are questioning hyungs trust " he told me breaking my heart.

"No why would I do that? I was just really scared. Why can't you understand " I told me with cracked voice. Almost yelling.

All came hearing my sound. Before I could say anything. I broke up, I cried out. I don't know what happened to me. Oppa immediately hugged me and told me "I am sorry dear. I didn't mean it that way. I promise. I won't say like that".

"You always say that. You wont break the promise again right?" I asked like a baby.

"Will never do that baby. I promise " he told me kissing my haired head. He broke our hug and again gave a strong kiss in my forehead.

"Come. Now let us feed three of you ok?" He asked me and I nodded. He smiled at me and everyone smiled at me making me almost embarrassed and blushing. He he he.

We all got together and had our food. Today I am going to hospital with oppa. He told me. He had to do some check up on me. God knows what that is. But he told me, it is a kind of ultrasound. Anyway I was happy that I can see my babies again. Heeee...

We got ready and into the hospital.

Now I am waiting for oppa in his cabin. He has got an emergency case to handle while I got some online classes to finish. I was on leave, but they asked me finish my pending portions in online, while happily accepted. 😊

After which felt like a decade he came inside the room, while I went to hug him. He stopped me. I got confused. He went inside to change and almost showering he came outside.

"Why what happened?" I asked him.

"There are many infections and bacteria and virus, I don't you to contact any of those from me. I won't allow it. Now come here. Let me give you a hug" he told me and I slowly walked into his hug. Where he squeezed out and told me "I almost missed you". I smiled at him. He made me sat in his couch.

And he himself sat on another couch. "So as I told you. We have one more check up. This must be a bit uncomfortable for you with kookie, so I kicked him out. But during delivery you have to face that. So now what am going to do is a kind of ultrasound ". He told me making me nod in tension , thinking what is coming.

"No need of any tension. While I use a tool to see your uterus. Hmmm.... so it's name is transvaginal sonography. So you might have understood it by now, by hearing the name". He asked me and I nodded a no.

"Ok. So the thing is. I will an instrument inside your vagina. Which will show me what I need to know. And don't worry this will not hurt and I will use lube. If you feel any discomfort we will immediately stop, then discuss and then proceed. Ok? You got any questions?" He asked me .

"I am a bit shy. But since it is you I have no problem. I won't hurt right?" I asked him.

"You won't even feel it. We will finish this of fast and we can all together have lunch. How does it sound?" He asked me and I nodded happily. We came out of the room, and into the radiology department. No one was there since it was lunch break.

We enter into a private room. He made me undress my underwear and gave me a towel to cover up my thighs, even though there are no one. He made sure that he has locked the door, even though I am not facing the door. He made sure that I was comfortable.

"So I am going to inside this inside your vagina. Don't clunch or unclunch, so it won't hurt. Be at ease and leave the rest to me. Ok? Are we ready to go?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yah I am ready. Let us finish this fast." I told him and he smiled at my tensed face. He wore the gloves and took the instrument and came near my legs. He stood in between my legs and then I could feel some cool sensation going inside my vagina.

I let out a gasp. He caressed my left thigh and told me "it is ok. It is going to be ok. You are doing great. Relax just the way you are". He told me he himself looking at the screen by sitting in a stool towards my left. That is where the screen is.

He zoomed at somethings and smiled at me. I smiled back and he slowly took out the instrument making me sigh.

"Now you must be feeling relieved. Right?" He asked me smiling.

"Yah. I am happy that this weird feeling is over. Thank you for making me comfortable " I told him.

"So what did you saw? Is everything ok?" I asked him.

He pinched my cheeks and told me "you are absolutely perfect and healthy

He helped me clean the lube in my private part and then sit up. "I know you won't be comfortable with kook. But you have to be later though. " he told me and I nodded.

"Now let us have lunch and go for a movie." He asked me and I almost screamed "thank you".

"Wow. That scared me " he told me laughing.

"I know you wanted to go and it has been a lot since we have gone for a movie right?" He asked me and I nodded happily.

We together went to have lunch along with other members. I was really hungry today. So I ate a lot making all chuckle at me.

"Slow it . No one is going to take. Or else you will chock." Hobi oppa told me.

I nodded happily and continued what I was doing. All laughed at my eating way. Then oppa took my plate away and I pouted at him.

"I will help you. Otherwise you will chock. " he told me for which I smiled at enjoyed the rest of the food by him feeding with his hand.....

After having the lunch we went out to the theatre and we were half an hour before our estimated time. So we walked a bit in the mall along with my urge to pee. The half an hour went fast and we watched the movie.

Oppa made sure that I was fine through out the movie. After the movie , we again did some walking to make sure that I am under my exact sugar level. Then after a small dinner date we went home. With all these walking and talking I was a bit tired. I slept within seconds when I laid on the bed. Tomorrow I will be here doing my works kookie will be giving me company, since he also has some online appointments to finish.

So good night all.

Will publish next part soon.

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