Chapter 5

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Butters gently rubs my shoulder while I cry, he is crying too. I hand him the tissue box and he grabs a few. I take a deep breath, "Why would they do that? Why would they rip my heart apart like that? So fucked up dude."

Butters grabs my shoulder tighter and shakes me. "I told you! I told you that you would cry, and you did."

"I did, you were right." I smile at him but he looks away. He seems to be a bashful type. This could be difficult. 

Halfway through the third movie Butters falls asleep, and he falls onto me. I don't want to wake him so I stay still. He mutters something and rubs his head into my chest. Was he actually cuddling me right now? Does he realize what he's doing?

"Fuck, dude..." I whisper under my breath, I know I can't move him. He will probably get super embarrassed when he wakes up cuddling me, and that would work in my favor. So I wrap my arm around him and rest my head back. I fall asleep.

When I wake up the sun is shining through the window. I'm laying flat, and Butters has his head and arm on my chest. His leg was bent over me. It was sitting right on top of my dick. I couldn't stay like this, but I needed him to know what he was doing. 

I gently nudge him awake. He groans and blinks his eyes, and when they fall onto my face, he jolts. 

"Oh- sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you..." He continues to stare, he looks almost scared.

"Butters, it's okay. But, can you move your leg? It's kinda..." 

Butters looks down at his leg and jumps back. He is definitely blushing this time. Perfect.

"Sorry!" He buries his face into his hands. I crawl over and move his hands out of his face, "It's okay, I slept really well, cozy."

"Really?" He looks up at me. He seriously looks like a puppy right now. How does he not have a partner?

"Really. Now let's eat breakfast, yea?" I stand up and extend my hand out to him.

Butters nods and takes my hand.

He makes us instant waffles for breakfast. He presents them on a plate and sets the syrup next to the plate.

"Bon apatite!" Butters holds his arms out as if presenting a full-course meal. He really is a dork. 

We eat before I go home. He looks like he has something to say before I leave, but he doesn't say it. When I get home I get a text from him.

Butters: That was fun. Do you want to do it again sometime? It's okay if not...

Kenny: I had fun too! Let's definitely do it again sometimes. Next time, let's go on a picnic or something

I have never been on a picnic, but it seemed like the closest thing to a date that I could suggest without being too direct.

Butters: I love picnics!

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