Chapter 48

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The room is silent, the kind of silence you can hear.

In the video, my brother puts his hands up, showing that he is unarmed. The audio is hard to hear, but he is trying to calm down my drunk dad. I haven't heard Kevin's voice in 3 years. My heart feels like it's about to stop beating.

He steps closer to my dad. My dad raises the pipe, oh god...

Kavin tries to grab the pipe but gets hit in the arm. Crack.

You can hear the bone cracking.

Over and over, he is hit with the pipe, right on his spine. A spinal injury is what made him paralyzed. It really was my dad.

I need to stop watching, but my eyes won't move. 

After what felt like an eternity, the video ends.

The video was the worst thing I have ever and will ever see in my life. My dad beat the shit out of my defenseless brother.

My dad.

My fucking dad.

I'm gonna kill him.

I'm gonna make him feel what Kevin felt.

Gerold snaps his finger in front of my face, snapping me out of my rage. "Calm."

I take a deep breath, my anger turns to a deep, deep despair.

"AAAHHH!!" A loud sob breaks the silence, it's Karen. She is holding her head in her hands, rocking back and forth.

I look over at her, then at Leo. Leo is looking at me, waiting for my reaction.

My eyes are wide, I haven't blinked in 3 minutes.

Tears starts to stream down my face, someone turned on a faucet in my eyes, and it wasn't going to stop. ""

I stare blankly forward as my tears drench my face. I can't breathe. "He... Kevin... Kevin... He..." Mine and Karen's crying and muttering is the only thing filling the room.

I don't know how everyone else is reacting, I can't even see, everything is coated in tears.

I am sitting in my chair, hands clasped between my thighs, slouched over, just staring at the floor in front of me.


"It has been decided by this jury, that the parents of Kenny, Karen, and Kevin McCormick, are found guilty, of the crimes of child neglect, abuse, and attempted murder. Please remove them."

My parents don't say anything when they are dragged out in handcuffs. They know it was over. My mom got a sentence of 10 years, my dad got one for 50.

The court is released, and the audience leaves. 

I can hear Karen sobbing. I am not making any noise, but I'm crying the hardest I ever have before, I didn't know tears could stream out as fast as they were.

Gerold pats my back softly. "Good job keeping it cool, you're free to go now. Call me if any issues arise."

He leaves, it's just me, Karen, and Leo, along with a few routine police officers.

I can't stand up. I should leave now, but my legs won't move. I assume Karen is experiencing the same thing.

Paralyzed in despair.


Like Kevin.

The wording in my mind only makes me sob harder, "Oh... Kevin... He was..."

"WAHHHAHAHHH!!!" Karen breaks down loudly again.

We are both in a cycle. I mutter something, and she screams. Neither of us has our minds right now.

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