Chapter 17

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Leo wraps his arms around me, it's so warm. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment. When I open them again, Leo is gone, and my hands are covered in blood.

The fuck?

The voice echoes again, "You killed me, you fucking killed me, Kenny. I hate you."

The words "I hate you" echo and bounce off the clouds around me, and I start to fall from the sky.

I crash into a pool of dark ink. I can't see anything and it feels suffocating.


I wake up with a gasp. I hold my throat, I can still feel the ink drowning me. I like dreams, but that one sucked. 0/10.

I get up and get a drink of tap water in my plastic cup. My head hurts, I really don't want to go to school today. So I guess I won't. I'll just sleep more, I don't feel rested at all. 

A few hours pass and I get a text from Cartman.

C-man: Dude, check this out. Butters already found a new boyfriend, He moved on from you pretty fast. 

He sends me a picture of Leo holding hands with a curly-haired blonde boy.

Kenny: Who is that?

C-man: I think his name is Bradley. He sounds super fucking gay.

Bradley? I don't remember Leo mentioning anyone named Bradley...

I stare at the picture, I don't think I've ever seen this kid. Is he new? Why is he holding hands with Leo?

I realize that I'm obsessing over the picture so I power off my phone and go to sleep, I don't want to think.


Reluctantly, I go to school the next morning. I can't keep skipping school if I want to get a stable career. 

Leo is in front of his locker, he really is hanging out with that Bradley kid. This shouldn't bother me as much as it does. I'm not anything to him anymore.

I do my best to ignore my feelings and focus on school. School ended up being really boring. Not much to look forward to without Leo. I never realized how lame my friend group felt.

I sit with my group at lunch, they are talking about a game or something, and I wasn't paying much attention.

"Hey, I'm gonna go outside for the rest of lunch. I'll see you guys later." I wave to my friends and leave. I don't eat at lunch anymore, Leo always gave me some of his food. Now I'm just back to my usual routine.

I go out to the field on the east side of the school. It's spring, so the grass is soft. I lie down. I just want to relax for a while. 

The sky was a bright blue, with a few clouds slowly floating across. It's nice.


Over the next couple of days, I continue to go to that same spot outside during lunch. It is my only escape right now.

Today was odd, when I got to my usual spot there was a brown paper bag, someone's trash probably. I open it, against my best judgment.

Inside the bag is a small pack of chocolate chip cookies. These are the same ones Leo gave me when we ate together. I usually wouldn't eat something I found in a bag on the ground, but I was feeling sentimental.

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