Chapter 11

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The weekend arrives and I don't know what to do. I've been spending every weekend with Leo recently. I guess I'll go out to the park. I like walking around there.

I go to the park and kick a pinecone down the sidewalk, at times like this I get lost in thought. I start feeling worse and worse about what I was doing to Leo. 

I'm sure he will get over it...

Then, as if he appeared from my imagination, I see Leo. He is walking with someone, who looks like a relative. Same light blonde hair and blue eyes, just a bit older. I follow them.

Leo and his companion go into a flower shop, what does he need a flower for? 30 minutes pass, and I'm kinda tired of waiting so I leave, but I'm still curious about what he needed that flower for. 


I go to school on Monday and when I open my locker two things fall out. It's an envelope and a single orange flower. The letter has "Ken" written on it in Leo's handwriting. I get it now. This must be it. This is what he went to a flower shop for. Cute.

I decide to wait until I get home to read the letter, I don't see Leo all day. Maybe he went home early.


I sit at my desk at home and open the letter, it's very pretty, it looks like a wedding invitation.

Dear Ken,
Hi, it's Leo. I hope the flower that came with this is still alive when you find it. That flower reminds me of you. 
I wanted to tell you that I think I'm falling in love with you.
The time we have spent together over the last few weeks has been the most fun I have had in years, and I hope you felt the same. 
I was going to tell you in person, but I got scared, so now I'm writing this letter.
You don't have to answer right away, but I would love to know how you feel. Sorry if this ruins things, I just couldn't keep it inside anymore.
Sincerely, Leo.

I close the letter and neatly put it back in the envelope. This was my evidence. I just need to give this to Cartman and I'll get my money. I'm glad my plan worked. I knew I could win him over.

I think about it for a moment before deciding to wait to hand in the letter. I still had a month and a half before the deadline, I don't need to break his heart just yet. I want him to enjoy his bliss for a little bit longer, he deserves to be happy for a while at least.

I call him and ask him to come over. He gets to my house in less than 30 minutes. He barges into my room, sweaty.

"Hey, puppy."

"H-hi... Did you read my letter..?"

I smile and stand up. I walk over to him and close the door behind him.

"I did, it was really pretty. I can't respond to it just yet though. Not until I can think of a response as cute as the confession you just gave me." I kiss his cheek.

I was just trying to make him feel butterflies, but I might've gone too far. He shoves my back into a wall and kisses me.

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