Chapter 26

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-slight smut warning-

I'm sure he noticed me flinch when he touched my ear. He starts to pinch and rub them, I can't contain the noses coming out of my mouth. "Stop- ah... my ears are..."

Before I finish he bites my ear, I let out a sound I've never made before "Nngh!" It felt tingly, every touch sent a ticklish feeling down my entire body. His breath hits my ear as he bites, making my hair stand up (along with something else).

"Now I know your sensitive spot too, Ken." He smiles at me. He actually smiles. This is the first time he has smiled at me since I gave that letter to Cartman.

The tightness in my pants is unbearable, so I take them off. I position myself between Leo's legs, spreading them open. I could easily thrust deep into him right now.

"Big..." he says as he stares down at my dick.

"What can I say? Lucky genes." I position myself closer.

He puts a hand on my chest, "don't go in, I can't do that to Bradley, just... just do what you did before, on the night we spent together."

It upsets me that he is still thinking about Bradley in this situation, but that's just the kind of person he is, caring, and loving.

"Thinking about him while I'm like this in front of you?" I muster up a smirk.

"We started dating a few days ago..."

I stop. Leo is dating Bradley? For real?

"I can't have sex with you because it would be cheating. But what we did that night wasn't sex, it was just close. Please..?"

Does he want to continue? He is willing to do all this as long as I don't actually FUCK him? He just... he wants to feel good, he doesn't want ME. I'm just convenient.

Tears start streaming down my cheeks, "...oh."

"What? What's wrong? Why are you crying all of a sudden?"

I stand up and put my clothes back on, wiping my tears and turning away from Leo.

"Someone should watch the shop. You can finish taking care of yourself." I go back out to the shop area. I have to bite the insides of my cheeks to keep myself from crying again.

The rain has almost stopped. There's no more lightning at least. I turn on the store's radio speaker system so that I can't hear my racing thoughts. I don't want to... no. I CANT think about what happened until I get home, need to keep my composure. I'm cool.

6 girls walk in, they are some of the girls who have been coming over during all my shifts, I assume they are attracted to me. Not to toot my own horn or anything but I am at the peak of my attractiveness right now. Fluffy blonde hair, big blue eyes, light freckles, defined muscle, and sharp jawline. If I was a girl I'd probably be attracted to me too. I'm sure if they knew how big I was down there they would be even more into me.

They approach the counter, giggling and whispering something amongst themselves.

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