Chapter 44

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I feel hot. Like I'm on fire. I'm not sweating, but I can feel heat radiating off my body. I seem to be falling down an endless abyss, or maybe it's just dark, I don't know. Pretty sure I'm dreaming.


I can hear Leo, his voice is echoing and hard to make out.

"W-ke -p Ke--y"

He is trying to tell me something.

"P---se Wa-e u- --nny"

I need to concentrate if I want to make out what he is saying. I focus to the best of my ability.

"Please, Wake up, Kenny."

He wants me to wake up, got it. I have no idea how to wake up. I would try slapping myself in the face but I don't have hands or a body, I'm just here.

My eyes finally open. I'm looking at Leo's ceiling. Both Leo and Karen are looking down at me.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I passed out."

Karen face palms and Leo grabs my hand, "Are you okay?"

"I think so, I feel hot but nothing serious."

Leo rolls his eyes, "I told you that you would get sick..."

I cup his face in my hand and he nuzzles it, "Yeah, you did."

Leo stands up and starts walking away, "I'm making soup, I'll get you a bowl of it and some water, you need to take medicine."

Once Leo is out of the room Karen lightly pinches my arm, "Oww!"

"You scared the shit out of Leo, Kenny. You can't go around all willy-nilly not caring about your health anymore. You have someone to look after now, he really cares about you."


"Don't apologize to me."

"Right, sorry."

She chuckles. 

Leo comes back in with a bowl and a cup. Karen nudges my shoulder and glances over at him.



"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Being reckless..."

He puts a cold rag on my forehead, which feels nice. "It's okay, just be more careful in the future."


A spoon hovers above my lips, Leo is trying to feed me. Butterflies fill my stomach.

"Open up~" he smiles.

Wow. He is so fucking perfect.

I open my mouth and taste the soup, it's good. Much better than the sandwiches he had given me a few months ago, guess he has some cooking skill after all.

"How is it?"

"Really good actually, Thanks."


I have eaten all the soup and taken medicine as Leo told me to, my head is pounding but the meds should take care of that soon enough.

The doorbell rings, startling me, I'm really jumpy right now.

Leo stands up, "I'll get it. Karen, stay here and make sure he doesn't try to move around too much, he needs to stay in bed." She nods and he leaves.

Only 30 seconds pass before yelling can be heard downstairs, me and Karen both jump up to go check it out but I fall right back to the floor. She helps me up and we go peek our heads down the stairs to see what's going on.

"Answer the question, kid. Are Kenny and Karen McCormick here?" A tall fat policeman is staring down at Leo.

"Y-yes, but why do you-"

Another policeman cuts him off, "Over there! I see them, those two look just like the kids from the picture!"

The police push into the house and go up the stairs. They grab me and Karen by the arms and drag us outside. 

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