Chapter 30

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The two girls who were fighting over me earlier this week start to undress. Once they have both stripped to their underwear they step toward me.

I scoot back a few feet, "Stop."

They keep walking, and I scoot back until my back hits the freezer door. 

I wonder if Leo is okay in there. I know the freezer is turned off but it's still probably pretty cold. I don't know why I'm worried about him at a time like this, but I am.

"Please, I don't want this. You probably don't either, I'm not a good guy to have your first time with." This was the best thing I could come up with to stop them from doing what I think they were doing.

The two girls look at each other and laugh, "Oh, Ken doll, you think we are virgins? Way to show that you're still a virgin at least. Look how scared he is. Don't worry, losing your virginity to us may be the best way to lose it. Sit back and enjoy, Ken doll."

"No..." I can't do this.

They step closer, "Please don't."

They won't listen to me. I don't want this! I want my first time to be with Leo! Not them.

Leo... did I just think I wanted my first time to be with him? I guess that is what I want, I just didn't think I'd realize it like this. Whatever the case is, I can't let these girls take me. 

I kick my legs out, making one of the girls fall over. She sits up and only looks more thirsty than before, "Katie, hold him down, I'm gonna enjoy this."

A strong set of arms pins my legs to the floor, I can't move. Fuck.

The girl that I tripped earlier starts to undo my apron, then my shirt.

"STOP!" I scream as loud as I can. The girls just snicker. I'm fucked.

The thirsty girl touches my chest, "Smooth, you must work out a lot, nice fit body. It looks delicious."

She unbuttons my pants and pulls them off.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I jerk around as much as I can to try and escape but nothing works.

"Kenny!" A voice yells from inside the freezer.

Oh god, Leo... don't come out, please.

The girls push me to the side and open up the freezer, "I thought you said it was just you, Ken doll."

I hear Leo's muffled words, did they put something over his mouth? I can't see what's happening. More struggle noises happen before I'm sat back up.

Leo is tied up like I am except he has a cloth over his mouth. He is sitting directly across from me, staring with a horrified look. I realize my shirt is open and my pants are off, not to mention my hair must look like shit right now. I'm a mess.

A half-naked girl sighs and walks back over to me. "Kelly, should we shoot that one? We don't need him."

My mouth moves before I can think, "NO! Please, please don't hurt my Leo, I'll do anything just... leave him alone."

"YOUR Leo? Ha!" She turns to her friends, "Girls, I cracked the code. He's gay, that's why he never called any of us back. This is his little boyfriend!"

She smiles at me, "...and you said you'll do anything if we promise his safety?"

I nod, Leo yells but it's too muffled to make out what he is saying.

I'm sorry, Leo, but I can't let them hurt you. You mean too much to me.

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