Chapter 15

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I wake up before Leo does. This gives me time to think. Should I tell him about the bet? I think Cartman would be mad if he didn't get to break the news to him, and then this could've all been for nothing. I need to turn in that letter before I get any more attached. I want to make this less painful for Leo if I can, he really deserves better, he just had the bad luck of falling for a guy like me. 

He opens his eyes, "Hmhmhm... Morning, Kenny..." He hugs me gently. It hurts more than I could ever imagine a hug hurting.

"We should get ready for school. Do you need to go home to get changed?"

"Can't I just borrow some of yours? We are probably the same size. I want to wear something of yours..."

I don't have a good excuse to refuse his request. I give him a black hoodie and some sweatpants. It was an outfit I was willing to never see again. Leo will probably avoid me like the plague after today.

He puts on the outfit, the hoodie is a little bit long on his arms. He gives me a warm smile, "It smells like you... I like it."

This fucking sucks. He doesn't deserve this.


We get to school on my bike, Leo holds my hand as we walk into the school. This is the last time I'll ever hold him.

He turns to me when the bell rings, "I'll see you at lunch?"

"Ah, about that. I need to talk to my friends about something today, is it okay if I meet with them today?"

"Yea, it's fine. I'll see you in history class then!"

He lets go of my hand and disappears down the hallway. Tears start falling from my eyes. I duck into a bathroom so no one sees me.

Why am I crying? I shouldn't be so sensitive about this, I knew it was coming.

When he let go of my hand, I felt this intense emptiness, like a void. He had become a part of me, and now he has to be ripped from my body and heart. 

I'll get over it...

I do my best to compose myself before leaving the bathroom.


At lunch, I sit across from Cartman with my friend group.

"Well, it's been a while. Are you done?" Cartman sets his money on the table. 

I sigh and hand him the letter. He reads it. "Ken?"

"It's a nickname he gave me."

"Woah, you really went all out, this is genuine. Here, you definitely earned this."

He slides me the 200 dollars and I put it in my wallet. The easy part is done. The hard part starts now.

Tweek looks at me, "Dude... are you sure you want to do this to him?"

"It's already done, and I needed the money. He will get over it."

"That's cold, dude."

"I know..."

Cartman suddenly yells, startling everyone at the table. "Hey! Butters! Come here for a minute!"

Leo happily walks over to our table and stands next to me, "What's up?"


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