ii, Compulsion

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"Oh bloody hell..."

"I'm sorry- i-"

"No, no, i'm sorry, i just don't feel the mate bond yet! Sorry!" Hope quickly apologized. "Oh?" He asked. "Yeah, uh, do you mind?" She asked, pointing towards his neck with her chin, making him confused but he tilts his head to the side slightly.

She moves closer to his neck, breathing in his scent, as the mate bond immediately made itself known to her. She then took a step back, nodding. "Yeah, well, my name is Hope Mikaelson." She introduced herself. "I'm James Barnes but everyone calls me Bucky." "Bucky it is." She smiled.

. . .

"You seem kind of familiar... have i seen you anywhere before?" Hope asked suddenly, as she has been walking around the central park with Bucky for a while. "I- uh- maybe the- the news.." Bucky said. "Oh, are you famous?" She asked in confusion. "I'm the winter soilder.." He muttured, looking down, getting ready for regection. "Who?" She asked. "Oh! That one! The uh- oh." She said in surprise as it finally clicked. "I'm sorry.." He whispered. "Hey, don't worry, i'm the serial killer from Mystic falls, New Orleans, Sokovia, Chicago, San Marino and Paris." She waved him off, making him stare at her in utter disbelief.


"Nothing, nothing.."

. . .

"Anyways, it was nice to meet you, Bucky, but i better get going now." Hope smiled. "Can i have your number? To- uh- stay in touch?" He asked. "Don't worry. We will find our way to eachother by ourselves again." Hope smiled innocently at him. "What do you mean?" James asked, getting a bad feeling. She stepped closer to him, making eye contact with him. "You will forget about our meeting. You were just walking alone in the central park, and now you are going back home since it's getting late." She compelled him, and he nodded, as if in a daze, before turning around and making his way towards the tower.

. . .

Hope was walking towards her apartment when she felt someone grab her shoulder from behind, pinning her against the front brick wall of her apartment. She quickly took notice of the slightly taller man, before grabbing him by his hair and smashing his head against the brick wall behind her. "Now that is no way to treat a lady. I do hate bad manners." She pointed out, as the man groaned in pain, pressing his palm against his forehead. She looked around to make sure no one was around, and listened for any heartbeats to double check, before grabbing him by his shoulders and making eye contact. "You will never treat a lady wrongly again and if you do, you will immediately drop dead. You forget about me and go home. You hit your head against the counter when you slipped in the kitchen." She compelled him, and he repeated her words in a daze, before walking towards his house.

Once she locked her apartment door, the man she has compelled, Thomas, walked up to her. "Thomas, darling, come here and pull your left sleeve up for me, will you?" She asked, and he did as he was told. She then grabbed his wrist, bringing it close to her mouth. "Don't make a sound." She demanded, before sinking her fangs in his wrist.

Once she was satisfied, she let go of him, before sinking her fangs in her own wrist, feeding him her blood to heal him.

"Go do something, just don't come into my room or be loud." She told him, before walking off into her room.

She grabbed some comfortable clothes to sleep in and put them on, before sitting on her bed and clibung underneath the covers.

She grabbed some comfortable clothes to sleep in and put them on, before sitting on her bed and clibung underneath the covers

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She closed her eyes, laying on her side, her back facing the door, before slowly drifting off to sleep.

. . .

The doorbell pulled Hope out of her dreamworld, making her groan when she looked at the clock and saw that it was just 6 AM.

She got up, walking towards her front door, before opening it, revealing a tall man on the other side of the doorframe. "Can i help you?" She asked, still sleepy and clearly annoyed. "I'm sorry... did i wake you?" The man asked. "Clearly." She rolled her eyes. "So? Why are you here?" She asked, growing even more annoyed. "I- uh- someone told me a friend of mine is here." He explained. "Who's your friend?" She acted clueless. "Thomas. Thomas Lewkins." He said. "No, don't know him. Sorry." She lied, acting innocent. "Can i come in?" He asked. "Please, sir, i'm really tired, i went to sleep really late." She pleaded, not dropping her act. "I will leave if you tell me your name." He offered.

"Hope Mikaelson."

"Stephen Strange."

. . .

After Stephen left, Hope shut the door, before storming towards Thomas, shaking him awake and immediately making eye contact with him. "You are now free from my hand but as soon as you leave the buliding you forget about me and if someone asks you where you have been you will say you have been sleeping around a bit." She compelled him. "I am now free from you but i will forget about you as soon as i leave the building and when someone asks me where i have been i tell them i have been sleeping around." He replied in a daze, walking towards the front door with her, and she opened the door for him and he quickly left.

"Humans really annoy me sometimes..."

. . .

Hope went to the libary nearby, hoping to prehaps some grimores there or anything useful for her. Once she saw the elder lady behind the counter she smiled softly at her, walking up to her. "Hello, dear." The lady greeted her. How can i help you?" She asked. "Hello, ma'am." Hope greeted back, politely. "I was wondering if you had any books on the supernatural?" Hope asked. "Oh, we have a lot of supernatural books here! Would you prefer fiction or informatical books?" The elder lady asked. "The informatical ones please" Hope smiled. "As you wish. Please follow me." The lady said politely, leading the way towards the books Hope was interested in.

"Here are some on witches and fairys." The lady said, gesturing towars two huge shelves to their left. "Here are the ones on Werewolves." She continued, gesturing towards another two shelves. "And these are on Vampires." She went on, gesturning towards other shelves as they kept walking. "And here are the fictional books, just in case you do get interested." She finished, gesturing at the last shelves about the supernatural. "Thank you, ma'am." Hope smiled politely, which the lady returned. "Tell me if i can help you with anything." The lady told her, before walking back towards the counter.

"Let's start at the witches then..." Hope said to herself, walking back towards the shelves with the witch books in it.

. . .

Hope garbbed a Grimore from a certain Abelard Leroux.

She took a seat on one of the couches in one of the counters, before opening the grimore on the very first side, examining every single spell.

Ressurecting spells
Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito.

Requirements: Another living creatures death (to maintain the balance of nature)

Phesmatos ravaros un animum.

Hope read, before shutting the book, and walking towards the counter with it. "Hi, i was wondering if i could borrow this book?" Hope asked the elder lady, showing her the book. "Oh, yes, but we actully also sell this book!" The lady told her. "I will buy it then. How much?" Hope asked. "Are you sure? It is three hundred dollars-" The lady said but was cut off when Hope put four hundred dollars on the counter. "The rest is for you. Have a good evening, ma'am." Hope said, before walking out of the libary quickly, eager to try out the spell.

She has always wanted to try and bring her family back, now that she has the chance, she is most definitely going to try it.

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