ii, Chaotic group chat

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"It really was."

. . .

After Thor and Hope activated their bond aswell, Thor fell asleep so Hope decided to visit Bruce. She knocked on his bedroom door, and he almost immediately opened it, revealin himself in only a towel around his hips. "Jeez, could've just told me to wait until you get dressed, love, next time i decide to pay you a visit i'll make sure to ask if you're decent." She smirked, and he blushed. "U-uh, y-you can come in, i'll get dressed in the bathroom. I'll be a minute." He quickly said, before almost running into his bathroom and shutting the door, making Hope's smirk grow wider as she stepped inside, closing the door behind her before sitting on the edge of his desk.

Once Bruce came out of the bathroom, he was fully dressed into a blue button up shirt and grey jeans with black boots. Hope looked up from the paper she took from his table. "What's this?" She asked. "I-i like to uh- sometimes look into- into unsolved cases.." He admitted. "Zach Salvatore, huh? Oh! I know that one! My friend told me! Damon Salvatore killed him! His brother and him called him uncle Zach even thoigh he was some kind of distant nephew- because that's not confusing at all... poor nephew-uncle Zach." She said with mock pity. "You don't seem to be actully sorry for him?" He asked. "Well... when you grow up in death and torture around you, you get used to things like that, although, i really don't recommend that childhood, it was a real mess." She laughed.

"Anyways, moving on..." She muttured, taking another folder. "Honoria Fell... what kind of name is that?" Hope scrunched her nose up. "Ah, yeah, that was uncle Stef's bad. He's dead so... moving on."

"Mary smith, ah, yes, i remember her. My bad. Moving on-"

"Andrew Tate... oh, yeah, he was a dick, that was me. I'm not sorry for that one."

"Anyways... Bryan Schnapp... oh, yeah, that was me too... he was delecious though, but, eh. Well, sorry. Kind of." She shrugged, while Bruce watched her with wide eyes. "Sorry, sorry, i think that's enough." She said sheepishly, putting everything back in it's place.

"So, uh... do you want to, maybe watch a movie?" Bruce asked. "Sure! Oh! What's this book!" Hope asked, looking at a book on his nightstand. "No! Nothing important! I-" "How to spice up your relationship..." Hope read the title out loud, the amused clear in her voice and on her face. "Bruce... why are you reading this?" She asked, looking up at him with an amused smirk on her face. "I- was just worried- that-" "Relax, darling, i'm just teasing you." She assured him.

"So, the movie?" She changed the subject, which he was very thankful for. "Uh, yeah, do you have anything in mind?" He asked. "Not really, but we can just look trough Netflix." She suggested woth a shrug. "Sure." He agreed with a shrug of his own.

. . .

I'm never watching horror movies again.

So, we decided to watch a horror movie, and everytime there was a jumpsace Bruce almost hulked out, it was really stupid, especially the main character, also, very unrealistic.

A human can't just throw a knife at someone, which will hit them in the head and kill them.

First of all, they can't throw knives good enough, and secondly, they're not strong enough to throw a knife that will literally go trough one's skull.

Like, who are you kidding?

Anyways, halfway trough the movie i turned the tv off, since Bruce already drifted off to sleep, and i really wasn't intrested.

So i just laid there, watching Bruce sleep.

Because that's not creepy or anything.

Anyways- moving on...

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