i, Soundproof walls

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The next day, Klaus and Hayley made it their job to bring two new sacrifices.

And they did.

They came back into Hope's dorm wherr everyone was waiting with two men, throwing one onto the floor and the other one into one of the candle circles.

"Ready?" Bucky asked Hope, and she nodded. "Always." She smiled. "Alright, we get it, but enough of your lovey dovet shit and do your witchy woo, will you?" Stephanie chimed in. "You jelly, Steph?" Hope teased, entering the circle of candles. "You wish, asshole." Stephanie smirked. "Screw you, Salvawhore junior." Hope rolled her eyes, and Stephanie gasped dramatically, her hand flying towards her chest, mockingly putting her hand on top of her heart. "Ouch, Hope, you wound me!" She said dramatically, wiping away a fake tear. "You're just like your father." Klaus rolled his eyes. "Go ahead, sweetheart." Klaus smiled encouragingly at his daughter, who nodded with a soft smile on her face, before starting to chant with her eyes closed, by now knowing the spell.

"Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas, phesmatos, ex salito." She chanted, hearing the all to familiar screams of agony from the first sacrifice, yet again ignoring those, continuing to chant, until she felt being shaken i to reality by her soulmate, just like yesterday, opening her eyes, looking into his ocean blue ones. He wiped the blood of her nosr, helping her up, and stepping out of the way, revealing the one and only Elijah Mikaelson, hugging Klaus.

He then pulled away from his and his brothers embrace, looking at Hayley. "Hayley, i'm so, so so-" He started, but was cut off when Hayley smashed her lips onto his, making Hope fake gag at the act. "Gross." She muttured, making Elijah pull away from the kiss and turn towards his niece. "Hope." He smiled, speeding towards her and embracing her with one of his brightes smiles to ever exist.

"I missed you." Hope muttured into her uncle's neck. "And i missed you aswell, Elskan." Elijah whispered, and they pulled away. "Now uncle Kol. Dad, let Lizzie siphon you a bit so she can do a locator spell on Aunt Rebekah and Aunt Freya." Hope said, and the Hybrid nodded, walking closer to the blonde girl, extending his arm towards her. She quickly made sure if he was really okay and after he assured her that it was fine, she siphoned from him, but didn't cast the spell yet to not disturb Hope from ressurecting her uncle.

Meanwhile Lizzie has been siphoning Klaus, Josie has dragged the other man into the circle of candles.

And then Hope sat in the other circle of candles, and closed her eyes in concentration, before starting to muttut the spell.

"Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito." She uttured in latin, yet again ignoring the screams of agony of the sarcrifice, and opening her eyes once being shook into reality by Bucky.

he helped her stand up once again, stepping out of the way again, revealing the one and only Kol Mikaelson. "Hope." He smiled, openimg his arms for her to run into. "Uncle Kol." She muttured, her face buried in his chest. "I'm here, darling, i'm here." He whispered in a soothing manner, caressing his nieces head comfortingly. "Kol." Nik whispered. "Nik? You too?" Kol asked in amusement, gesturing for his older brothers to joing the embrace, which they most definetly didn't refuse to.

Once they all pulled away, Hope was pulled into a certain super soilders arms, making her smile. "Guys, this is one of my mates." Hope explained. "Yeah, we've figured." Elijah rolled his eyes. "We can smell you all over him. You bonded." Kol teased. "You had to say it?" Hope asked, glaring at her youngest uncle. "You can smell that?" Bucky asked. "All vampires and werewolves can smell your scent tained with hers. It's like a warning scent to stay away from you." Klaus explained. "Witches can see it in your aura." Kol elaborated, being the one that knows most about witches.

"So, you knew that we..." Bucky trailed off. "Yeah, the whole school knew that you fucked that night." Josie snickered. "Excuse my sister. She means bonded." Lizzie apologized. "It is quite alright. We are used to that thanks to out brother." Elijah smiled at the blonde, gesturing towards Kol. "Damn right, you are!" Kol smirked. "We can't let him meet Steve." Bucky smirked. "Yeah, he's gonna sleep, screaming 'language'!" Hope laughed, making Bucky laugh aswell.

"Alright, Uncle Kol, i have a job for you that you'll enjoy." Hope said, and Kol looked at her in question. "I need two sacrifices for tomorrow." She said, and he nodded, smiling at the idea of seeing someone suffer. "You should've brought him back first, he'd enjoy the show." Klaus smirked. "Though, i did too." He finished.

"Of course you did." Hope rolled her eyes at uer father's and uncle's antics.

. . .

"Doll?" Bucky asked from the bedroom, trough the closed bathroom door. "Yes, Buck?" Hope asked, stopping the running water in the shower so he could hear her. "Are you done yet?" He asked. "You can come in." She said, and he slowly opened the door, peeking his head inside. "Come on, i don't bite." Hope said, and Bucky raised a brow at her. "Okay, actully, i do, but, you know." She trailed off.

"So? What did you want?" She asked. He came into the bathroom, closing the door behind him, and sitting on the floor, in front of the shower. "When are we going back to New York?" He asked. "Tomorrow after ressurecting two more people, we can be in our way." Hope said, turning the water back on.

Bucky licked his lips, watching her, since the shower walls and door were made of glass, but didn't make a move.

"So? Are you joining me or what?" Hope asked teasingly, and Bucky smirked, quickly throwing his clothes off to joing his mate in the shower.

Once he stepped in, his arms immediately found their way around her waist, and hers were around his neck, as he pushed hair against the wall.

His hands lowered, stopping at her ass, tapping it twice, gesturing for her to jump, which she did, and wrapped her legs around his torso, now looking down at him.

He pressed her against the shower wall yet again, and she smashed her lips against his, as their kiss grew more heated.

At some point, Bucky had to pull away from air, while Hope kissed down his neck, as far as she could reach.

Once Bucky caught his breath, one of his hands ran down her body, and his metal hand stopped at her clit, starting to massage gently, making her moan.

He then positioned his tip at her entrance, thrusting into her, making them both let out a moan.

That was an awfully long night for the both of them, and luckily, the walls around the boarding school were all soundproof.

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