iii, Destied to be a whore

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"What do you mean 'you don't remember'?" Tony asked in concern, while Peter placed his hand on Hope's back reassuringly.

"We were activating the bond... after that was a blur..." Hope explained.

"That's... weird..." Tony mumbled.

"So... you were drinking her blood... because you were activating the bond. Right?" Peter asked, and Hope nodded in confirmation.

"What happened then?" He asked.

"It's blurry... but i know i got angry... i ripped my fangs out of her and started chocking her... then you all came..." Hope whispered.

"Why did you get angry?" Tony asked.

"I don't know!" Hope buried her face in her hands in frustration.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out." Tony said, hugging her close to himself to comfort her, and Peter joined the embrace.

"Maybe there was something in her blood that made you angry?" Peter asked carefully.

"Maybe... i mean... i did in fact immediately spit it out..." Hope recalled.

"What could be it?" Tony asked.

"Wolfsbane or lobelia." Hope said.

"Didn't you mention that vervain can also hurt vampires?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, but i'm immune to vervain. Also, wolfsbane doesn't affect me a lot and lobelia can only stop me from using my magic for like... five minutes. So it can't really be that..." Hope shrugged.

"That's really weird..." Peter whispered.

"Yeah... it is."

. . .

After a few other minutes of talking, Tony decided to stay with Peter and Hope, and they fell asleep, watching 'The walking dead'.

Hope woke up at five in the morning, Peter and Tony were still asleep.

So she quietly snuck out of Peter's bed, and climbed out the window, as she had an important meeting with someone.

. . .

"Hannah Martin?" Hope heard an unfamilar voice ask, as a man sat besides her.

"Noah Freeman?" She asked back, and the man nodded.

"I did a little background check on you... and i must say i found really interesting things about you..." Noah said, a small smirk threatening to show on his face.

"Whatever that could be?" Hope asked sarcastically.

"Hope Marshall, twenty-one years old but never spotted after the age of fifteen..." He trailed off.

"Daughter of Hayley Marshall, father is unknown. Accused to have set a car on fire in public, is still an open case by the way." He continued.

"Okay, alright, you got me. But that you aren't actully Noah Freeman isn't a secret either." Hope pointed out.

"Ah... what gave it away?" The man asked.

"You hesitated, even if for a second, but you did, when i said your name. And i also did a little background check on you, Nicholas Joseph Fury. Sorry, sorry. Nick Fury, also known as Director Fury. Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Hope crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back in her seat, not mentioning the fact that she could also notice that by his heartbeat.


"I know."

. . .

After Hope's and Fury's meeting, where they've been talking about how Fury wanted Hope to joing Shield but she isn't sure and all that, Hope said goodbye to him and promised to think about his offer.

So here she was, walking aimlessly in the Central park, deep down hoping that she maybe would walk into one of her soulmates.

And she in fact did.

As she walked, occasionally looking at her phone whenever she recieved a message, she saw Steve and Bucky jogging besides one another, chatting, as Sam trailed behind them, panting and struggling to keep up with the two supersoilders.

The soilders were apparently too deep in their coversation to notice her, but Sam did.

He stopped for a second to look at her, probably to make sure it's actully her, and then started to jog towards her.

"Hey." He smiled at her. "Hi." She responded with a tight lipped smile.

"Uh... everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah. What about you?" "Yeah, it's... jogging." He shrugged.

"I missed you." He admitted.

"That's good to know." Steve said, as him and Bucky walked up to the two.

"Hi." Hope smiled at the two. "Hey." Bucky smiled, only to be nudged by Steve.

"Hello to you too, Capitan." Hope crossed her arms over her chest.

"What are you doing here?" He asked instead, with an angry expression on his face.

"Speaking with Sam until someone rudely interrupted us." She spoke, starting to get equally as pissed as him.

"Why are you angry now?" He scoffed.

"Why are you?" She asked, irritated.

"Oh, i don't know. Totally not because you hurt my friend who also happens to be one if your soulmates." He spoke sarcastically.

"How often do you want me to apologize? You think i wanted to do that?" She asked.

"Obviusly you did. It's not like you can be compelled or something." He spoke, irritated.

"Oh my god, what am i even doing here?" She let out an humorless laugh.

"I have the same question. Why don't you just leave, instead of keep being a whore." He said, stepping closer to her.

"Steve!" Bucky scolded.

"What? It's true! She was destined to be a whore!" Steve scoffed.

"Steve!" Sam said in disbelief.

"What? It's true!" Steve said, as tears gathered in Hope's eyes.

"Right." The tribrid nodded.

"Hope-" Bucky tried.

"No, no, it's fine. I'll be on my way." She shrugged, before looking around, to make sure nobody was watching.

"Have a nice jog." She smiled, before speeding off.

"Mommy, can i have that cookie?" A nine-year old Hope asked.

"Oh my god, you are already destined to be a whore. Do you wanna be a pig too? Go to your room!" Hayley yelled, angrily looking up from the papers she was currently reading, as tears gathered in Hope's eyes.

"Hayley!" Klaus spoke angrily, as he was standing in the doorway.

"What? It's true! She's a whore!" Hayley argued.

"And you aren't? First sleeping with me then with my brother, then marrying that wolf! You are the only whore in this room. And she cannot change her marks. And even if she could, i would never want her to." Klaus argued.

"Whatever. Just accept it! She's destined to be a slut." Hayley rolled her eyes, starting to look back onto her papers.

But Klaus wasn't having it.

He sped towards Hayley, grabbing her by her neck before throwing her across the room, making her groan in pain as her back collided with a wall.

"Go to aunt Rebekah, my love. I will have a little chat with your mother." Klaus gently smiled at his daughter, who nodded before quickly leaving the room.

"You hurt my child. Now you will get the pain physically, and ten times worse." He spoke with venom in his voice, before pouncing at the young Hybrid again.

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