ii, What happened?

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This charpter is so cringe i can't😭

It was already past midnight, and Hope was laying in her bed, wide awake, as she couldn't fall asleep.

Do they hate me?

Why wasn't i able to control myself?

I was able to control myself with Bucky, Thor and Tony, why not with Nat?

Hope recalled Natasha's blood on her tounge as she bit into her neck, but after that everything was a blur.

She can only remember how she got angry and pulled her fangs out of her, grabbing her by her neck and slamming her into the headboard, yelling at her.

But she couldn't remember why she did it, or even what she was yelling.

Why was i so angry?

What happened?

Why can't i remember?

Tears gathered in Hope's eyes, as she tried to remember what happened.

We were just activating the bond.

What happened?

Hope could still remember Natasha's teary eyes as she clawed on her hand, trying to pry it off of her neck, as she tried gasping for air.

Luckily Friday alerted the team and they all came inside in time, and Thor was able to tear Hope off of Natasha with a bit of Wanda's magic's help.

Hope wiped the tears off of her cheeks, before sitting up, as she wrapped her arms around herself for comfort, bringing her legs towards her and placing her chin onto her knees.

How could i hurt her?

I can't feel any of them trough the marks anymore.

Did they do something to get rid of me?

They hate me.

I'm a murderer.

A monster.

A beast.

An abomination.

A mistake.

Hope placed her forehead onto her knees now, closing her eyes, trying to think of something positive.

"You, my love, are a miracle. You know that?" Rebekah asked, as she played with some dolls with Hope.

"Why am i a miracle?" A three-year old Hope laughed.

"Even before you were born... everyone adressed you by 'The miracle baby'. And you truly are." Rebekah watched with a smile as Hope giggled.

"That's a good thing, right?" She asked.

"How could you not be a good thing? You are the best thing that has ever happened to this family, baby." Rebekah smiled, planting a loving kiss on the top of her niece's head.

"Now, come on, uncle Elijah is already walking towards the front door!" Rebekah said, picking Hope up, and starting to walk downstairs to greet her brother.

Hope looked back up again, tears running down her face, and her hands over her mouth so her sobs would stay inaudible.

She stood up from her bed and grabbed one of Landon's old jackets that he has left for her, back when they were dating, and opened the window.

She put the slightly bigger jacket on, and slipped her feet into a pair of black boots, before climbing out the window, and jumping down, landing perfectly on her feet.

She zipped the jacket up, sliding her hand into the jacket pockets, before starting to walk towards the tower.

It was only a ten minute walk, and once she arrived, she sat down infront of one of the huge walls, and leaned her back against it, but no guards questioned it as they recognized her as the Avengers' soulmate.

Five minutes went by.

Those turned into fifteen minutes.

Those turned into fifty minutes.

Those turned into an hour.

Those turned into two and three hours.

And finally, Hope got up from the ground, to look up.

She looked around, to make sure all of the guards were turned away.

And then she jumped.

She jumped with full force, and held herself up by the railing of one of the windows.

She looked inside, and saw Peter peacefully asleep in his bed.

She sighed, her pained gaze lingering on him, before she pulled herself up, and sat on the railing.

She took notice of the slightly open window, and tapped on the glass, making the window open further.

(German windows supermercy)

She slowly climbed inside, and once her feet touched the floor, she closed the window completely.

She walked towards the bed, and sat on the edge, brushing a strand of hair out of Peter's face. "Are you waiting to get sick, Elskan?" She whispered, before planting a soft kiss onto his temple, and pulling the blanket up towards his chin.

"No. Just waiting for you to come inside..." He whispered, grabbing her hand, making her smile. "You knew i was awake. Didn't you?" He asked, opening his eyes to look at him.

"Yes. Although, i must say you are a great actor, also making sure you breath is slow. But your fast heartbeat gave it away." Hope smiled at him. "Fast?" He asked. "Yes. Almost as if you're... nervous..." Hope whispered, her smile turning into a smirk.

"Are you? Nervous?" She asked, as his breathing got heavier. "Maybe... just a little bit..." He whispered.

That is when Hope heard the elevator ding and footsteps quickly coming towards them.

"Someone's coming. Sleep." Hope whispered, before speeding under the bed, clinging into the wooden boards, holding herself above the floor, so the off hanging blankets would cover her.

There was a knock on the door.

Then a second time.

When Peter didn't respond by the third time, the door opened.

"Look, i know you're not asleep. Friday told me someone snuck into your room. Who?" Tony asked, walkimg towards the bed.

"N-no one... Friday is wrong..."

"Come on. Don't lie to me. Your voice is higher than Ariana Grande's heels. Who snuck in here?" Tony asked in annoyance.

"A girl?" He asked in amusement, and when Peter didn't say anything he sighed.

"Come on. Where is she?" He asked.

"I know you wouldn't sneak a random girl in here. Where's Hope?" Tony asked.

"U-under the bed..." Peter admitted in defeat.

Tony chuckled, before crouching down and lifting the blankets.

"Come on out, bunny." He said, and Hope groaned, before speeding onto the bed, crossing her arms over her chest and crossing her legs over one another.

"Care to explain what happened with Romanoff?" Tony asked.

"I don't remember..." Hope shrugged, her gaze on the suddenly overly interesting floor.

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