i, Too many reunions.

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Once the metal armed Supersoilder and the Tribrid arrived at the Avengers tower, they went upstairs and told Jarvis to telk the rest to meet them in the main room.

And once they entered the room, everyone was already waiting for them.

Pietro was the first one to hug Hope, due to his speed. Then Wanda and Peter joined the hug and the rest had to wait, while Steve and Sam hugged Bucky.

Shuri and T'challa then had to tear the twins and the Spiderling off of Hope, to be able to embrace her aswell.

Then it wad Bruce and Tony's turn.

Then Vision and Stephen.

Then Natasha and Clint.

Then Thor and Loki.

And last were Sam and Steve.

"Now that was... a reunion. I've had to many of those recently." Hope uttured, making Bucky who was standing next to her chuckle. "Seems about right, doll. After days of bringing your loved ones back to the land of living." He smiled.

"In case it isn't obvious, and i'm speaking for all of us. We are confused as fuck-" Tony said but was cut off by Steve. "Language." He rolled his eyes. "Did he just?" Hope smirked in amusement. "Yep." Peter smiled. "It just slipped out-" Steve defended himself, but Pietro just burst out laughing along with Tony, Peter, Clint and Shuri.

"I hate to say this but you are just like Elijah." Hope muttured, rolling her eyes. "Who is Elijah?" Natasha asked, trying not to sound jealous but failed miserably. "Oh, you know. Smoking hot guy, always wears suits, nobility himself." Hope teased, trying not to gag when she called her uncle hot. She looked at Bucky, giving him a look, begging him to play along, and he gave her an barely noticeable nod, which only Hope noticed.

"Bucky, have you met that Elijah guy?" Sam asked. "No? Hope, who's Elijah?" Bucky asked, acting jealous just as everyone else. "Didn't i just tell you? Hmm, that guy is really eye candy. Never swears, super noble, never ever breaks his word." Hope mused, again trying not to gag when calling her uncle 'eye candy'.

"He's dead." Loki deadpanned. "Where does he live? Just a genuine question, of course." Thor asked, trying to cover his jealousy with a smile.

Just then, Hope and Bucky burst out laughing, loving how they tricked the rest.

"He's my uncle, smartasses." Hope giggled. "Your uncle? Really?" Natasha asked in annoyance. "Yeah! Elijah Mikaelson! Are you serious?" Hope smirked. "And i already met him." Bucky admitted. "That was disgusting to call him all that, though." Hope fake gagged. "But it is true, he never swears out loud, always wears suits, is nobility himself." Hope jokingly mocked her uncle.

"Well, you two must be tired from your flight. You should go to your rooms." Bruce chimed in, gesturing towards Bucky and Hope. "Yeah. Tony? You coming?" Hope asked, remembering the promise she made to Tony, and he nodded eagerly, quickly starting to walk with her, shooting a smug look to the rest of the Avengers.

Natasha, Loki, Wanda, T'challa, Vision, Bruce, Bucky, Steve and Stephen shook their heads at Tony's childish behaviour, while the rest, excluding Peter and Clint shot him an angry look, while Peter and Clint stuck their tounges out to him, which he returned, before turning back around and going into the elevator after Hope.

"So... how was... eveything?" Tony asked. "It was fine. I brought ny family back, and the uncle and mother of a friend of mine. And the soulmate of my uncle. Also the uncle of my friend that i brought back happens to be the mate of one of my aunts, and the mate of the mother of another two friends of mine, so, i call it a win-win." Hope ranted. "Wow, that's... a lot. How many people did you bring back?" Tony asked. "Uh... let me think... seven... if i counted right." Hope said. "Wow. And that's just... fine?" Tony asked. "No, that's why there were also seven sacrifices." Hope explained casually. "Sacrifices?" Tony asked. "Yeah, some people from wherever that died for the balance of nature." Hope explained further. "Wow." Tony nodded, impressed.

(Let's act like the other side is there.)

Suddenly, a 'ding' rang trough the elevator, signaling the they arrived at Tony's floor.

He led her out of the elevator, down the hall and then into his room.

Once the door was closed, Tony turned towards Hope and pushed her against the door, smashing his lips against hers.

She kissed him back, and he licked her lower lip, asking for entrance, which she granted him.

Their tounges danced in synic together, and she sped the two of them towards his bed, and pushed him onto it, he rolled on top of her, his lips never leaving hers.

Their lips retracted for just a moment, so he could take his shirt off, and immediately found their way back to one another again.

Hope's hands found their way down his chest and to his jeans.

She unbuckle his belt and unzipped his jeans, and pullef them down, as far as she could get.

He pulled away from their kiss, taking his jeans off completely, leaving him in only his boxers.

He then kissed down her neck, and sucked on that one particular spot, making her arch her back, which he used to slip her shirt off.

He then pulled her jeans off, after unzipping them, and his lips found their way back to her lips, then kissing along her cheeks and jawline, and trailing down her neck, collarbone and the bare parts of her chest.

He kissed along the top of her cleavage, and gently brushed his thumb over her covered nipples, making her arch her back once again, and he used that to unclapse her bra and throw it into a corner of the room, along with the rest of their clothing.

Hope then snapped her fingers impatiently, making the last two pieces of fabric dissapear from their bodies, and Tony immediatley lined up at her entrance, thrusting into her.

"Fuck!" Hope moaned out, her hands grasping at his shoulders. "F-fuck." She breathed out, when he slowly pulled out of her and thrusted back in. "Shit.." He whispered, starting to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace.

Tony then sped up his thrusts, and one of his hands lowered itself, finding it's way towards her clit and started drawing figures of eight on it, making a familiar knot in Hope's stomach making itself knwon to her.

Hope then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down, towards her, her fangs extending, brushing against his neck, making him groan.

Once she sank her fangs into, the both of them felt a new sense of euphoria wash over them, triggering both their orgasms.

Once they finished, Hope removed her fangs from Tony's neck, and bit into her wrist, extending it towards him, and he accepted it, drinking some of her blood, just enough to heal the wound on his neck, leaving a small scar.

Tony then pulled out of her, and laid next to her, his arms immediatley wrapped around her protectively, holding her as close to him as possible, while Hope traced his mark with her fingers in adoration.

Now they are complete.

She is his and he is hers.

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