iii, i'm so sorry

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"Do not even start!" Inadu cut Hope off.

"Ugh." Hope rolled her eyes, turning away from Inadu in her bed.

"Sleep." Inadu said.

"I'm not tired though!" Hope whined.

"Just close your-"

"-Just close your eyes, blah blah blah- It doesn't fucking help!" Hope cut her off.

"How did you-"

"-Know what you would say? Everyone says that." Hope cut Inadu off.

"Whatever. Just sleep." Inadu grumbled, pulling her blanket over her head.

"Ugh!" Hope groaned, slamming her pillow onto her face.

. . .

The next morning, Hope and Inadu got ready for the day, also doing eachothers hair.



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"You look Emo

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"You look Emo." Hope grumpily insulted Inadu once they were done.

"And you look like exactly your little redhead soulmate , you know, the one you almost killed-" Inadu mused, but Hope sped towards her and slammed her head against the wall to shut her up.

"Screw you." Hope said, pushing back the tears that gathered in her eyes.

"Errox femus." Hope added, as Inadu screamed in pain when her leg broke.

"You're grounded, by the way." Hope spoke, before walking out of the hotel, locking the door behind her.

"Inteo." Hope whispered once she was outside the hotel room, casting a boundary spell, so Inadu couldn't leave, before walking out of the hotel.

"Nail salon, picking up Inadu, Breakfast." Hope muttured, before nodding to herself, and getting into her car, before looking in her phone for the best Nail salon nearby.

Once she's found it, she saw that it'd be a twenty-three minute drive, which she accepted, and began driving there.

. . .

After Hope got her nails done, she climbed back into her car and drove back to pick up Inadu.

After Hope got her nails done, she climbed back into her car and drove back to pick up Inadu

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. . .

Soon, Hope arrived back at her and Inadu's hotel room.

As soon as she walked in, she saw Inadu with tears in her eyes.

"Inadu? You okay?" Hope asked.

"Oh my god.." Inadu whispered, hugging Hope.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hope asked in confusion.

"I'm so, so, so incredibly sorry, Hope." Inadu whispered.

"What? What are you talking about, what do you mean? What are you sorry for?" Hope asked in confusion.

"Vision.. he's..." Inadu looked Hope in the eyes.

"He's... what?" Hope asked, as she began to feel a burning sensation on Vision's soulmark, making her gasp, as she held onto his mark on the inner side of her upper arm.

"He's not your soulmate.." Inadu whispered, as Hope let out a scream because the agonizing pain, before blacking out.

"I'm so sorry." Inadu whispered.

The end...

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