iii, Ressurection

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"Okay, Hope, how many are we gonna ressurrct today?" Stephanie asked her friend. "As many as possible." Hope anwsered. "How much is that? Lizzie asked. "Today we can start by ressurrcting both your parents. Tomorrow we can ressurrct another two people, and the day after another two." Stephanie explained. "Okay, so i need to get us two sarcefices a day?" Hope asked. "Yes." Stephanie comfirmed. "Okay, you get everything ready and i'll get the sacrifices." Hope said. "Okay, is your mate coming with you?" Josie asked. "I think it's better when he stays. Right, Buck?" Hope asked. "I'm coming with you." He said. "It can be dangerous!" Hope said. "So, i'll protect you!" He said, making the twins and the Salvatore snort, surpressing their laughter. "You know i'm immortal, right?" She asked in amusement. "Fine." He gave in, frowning slightly.

Hope walked towards him with a smile, kissing him on the cheek. "I'll be on my way then." Hope said, before speeding out.

. . .

With Hope

Hope was walking down an unknown street to her, looking for prehaps a couple to sacrifice.

And that's what she did.

She saw a fighting couple of two young adults, making her smirk. She looked around to make sure everyone was minding their business, before speeding towards them and dragging them into a dark alley, still with her speed.

She then compelled them to be quiet, before speeding them back to the boarding school, and into her dorm, where everything was set up and the twins, the Salvatore and metal armed, ex-assasin were waiting for her.

"Guys, this is Maya and Aaron." Hope smirked. "It's Marina and Albert!" The male corrected her. "Yeah, like i said. Mia and Andrew." She smiled, before harshly pushing them foward.

"Lady's first." Hope smirked.

. . .

"Okay. Sit right in the middle of this circle, you, Miranda! Sit in that one." Stephanie ordered, and the two females complied.

"Here's the spell. Good luck." Stephanie said to Hope, handing her the Grimore with the roght page opened.

Hope placed the Grimore infront of her, before taking a deep breath, and starting to chant.

"Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertad phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito." She chanted, with her eyes clothes, over and over again.

She heard the woman scream, but she ignored it, and started chanting louder, until she felt someone shaking het forcefully.

She opened her eyes, looking into her mate's ocean blue ones, which were full of concern and relief. "You're bleeding." He whispered, wiping the blood of her nose with his sleeve. "Did i do it? Did it work?" She asked, and he smiled. "Yes, it worked." He smiled, stepping aside, revealing the one and only Klaus Mikaelson.

"Dad?" Hope asked, tears filling her eyes. "Hope?" He asked, his eyes also starting to water. She sped towards him, immediately finding herself in his arms, her face buried in his chest. "Hope, my love." He breathed out, holding her head against his chest. "I missed you so much." She whispered, and he tightened his arms around her, and she wrapped hers around his torso. "My little girl..." He whispered, planting a loving kiss on the top of his daughters head.

"As much as i hate to interrupt... this. We have one more person to ressurect for today." Stephanie chimed in, making the father-daughter duo break apart from their embrace. "And who is this?" Klaus asked, unfamiliar with the familiar looking teenager. "That's Stephanie Salvatore. She is Damon and Elena Salvatore's daughter." Hope introduced her. "The rippers niece and the doppelgängers daughter?" Klaus asked in amusement. "Dad." Hope rolled her eyes.

"Alright, come on, Hope. One more." Lizzie encouraged her friend, and Hope nodded, walking back to the circle of candles and sitting down on her knees, before starting to chang once again.

"Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito. revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos. ex salito. Vitas phesmatis, ex salito, revertas phesmatis. Ut vectas, vitas phesmatos, ex salito." She chanted yet again, repeating herself over and over again, until she heard the man scream, just like before, she ignored it and kept chanting, getting louder and louder, until she was being shaken into reality yet again.

She opened her eyes, looking into Bucky's ovean blue oned yet again. He smiled, wiping the blood of her nose yet again. "It worked." He smiled, helping her up, before stepping out of the way, revealing Haylay Marshall.

"Hope?" The woman asked in disbelief. "Mom!" Hope cried, speeding into her mother's comforting arms. "My baby." Hayley whispered, kissing the top if her daughters head over and over again. "I missed you so much." Hayley whispered. "I missed you too, mom." Hope smiled up at her mother. "Klaus?" Hayley asked, when she saw the all too familiar Hybrid standing behind her daughter. "Hello Hayley." He smiled, joining the embrace, having also missed his old friend.

"Is Elijah also here?" Hayley asked. "No, i only brought you two back today. Tomorrow is uncle Elijah's and Uncle Kol's turn." Hope said with an apologetic smile. "Then we will have to look for Aunt Rebekah and Aunt Freya." Hope added. "But after Elijah and Kol are back, the next day i'll bring someone else back." Hope smiled, glancing at Stephanie, which the teenage girl didn't notice, but the Salzman twins and Bucky in fact did.

"Who?" Klaus asked. "Two old friends of yours." Hope smirked. "I'm confused." Hayley frowned. "The latest doppelgänger, who happens to be my friends mother, and Stefan Salvatore, who is my friends uncle." Hope explainer, and watched as Stephanies face lit up. "And then we'll look for your dad." Hope finished, now talking with Stephanie. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The teenager smiled, embracing het friend. "You're welcome, kiddo." Hope smiled, returning the embrace.

"Now. You're probably hungry." Hope gestured towards her parents, who nodded, in need for some fresh blood.

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