i, A vampire, a tribrid and two sociopaths. Get it?

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Thank you all so, so much for 10k reads!!! I really, really appreciate it, and i am sooo glad that you all like this book!

I would also be really happy if you commented more often, as i would love to know your opinions on what's happening or my writing in general!

Again, thank you so, so much for the 10k, and also sorry this took so long, but please enjoy now.

After Thor was let out of his cell, the Hollow knew that they knew.

As soon as Thor was escorted out, Hope came into the room, standing infront of Loki's cage.

"So, you figured it out. Smart girl." Loki smirked.

"Thanks, i can't say the same to you though. You were very bad at this. If you really tried to make me believe you are Loki, you are really shit at this." Hope crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh, is that so? Well, i certainly seemed to have fooled you well with Enzo. Or with that other guy before that... what was the name again? Ah. Derek." He smirked.

"What?" Hope asked in terror.

"Oh yes, i have been in his body since day one. He isn't a freshly turned vampire. He was turned in 1969 by your father." He smirked.

"Why didn't you corrupt me then?" Hope asked.

"Oh, i tried. But, i must admit, due to your new vampirism, it had been too difficult. And i couldn't have let you figure it out before i controlled you. You are very powerful. You would've challanged me. And, i also must admit, i was afraid that if you did, i'd have to accept and lose." The Hollow spoke truthfully.

"Get out of his body." Hope demanded.

"No, no. If i do, you might harm me. You wouldn't hurt your own mate, would you?" He smirked.

"Wouldn't i?" Hope challanged.

"You already did once. I've seen how bad you felt." He smirked knowlingly, making Hope gulp.

"Let's make a deal. If you get out of his body, i will give you my word that you will be unharmed." Hope offered.

"Fine. Deal. Get out, and come back inside in five minutes." He accepted.

"Fine." Hope agreed, walking out of the room.

. . .

After exactly five minutes, Hope walked back inside, only to see Loki laying on the floor inside of the cell, unconsious, and an all too familiar Inadu Labonair standing there, leaning against the glass of the cell.

"There you go." The Hollow smirked.

"Now we need to make another deal so i can get him out without you attacking me, trying to run off, or whatsoever." Hope said.

"Oh, i love making deals." Inadu smirked.

"What do you want." Hope rolled her eyes.

"I won't attack you, or try to run away while you get him out of this cell, if you show me a red oak stake, and after i saw it, you'll put it in a visible place somewhere in the Mikaelson manison." Inadu offered.

"Fine. I'll make ot happen. Now, you don't move. Go to the back of the cage and don't move." Hope commanded, and Inadu nodded, backing into a corner if the glass cage, as Hope opened the doors.

Hope grabbed Loki's arms, and slid him all over the floor, until he was out of the cell, before locking the doors again.

"Friday, get Thor here so he can bring Loki to his room." Hope spoke, not taking her eyes off of Inadu.

"On it, miss." The AI spoke.

. . .

"I. want. to. see. the. promised. STAKE!" Inadu yelled at Hope, who sat on a chair infront of the cell, her legs crossed, as she scrolled trough her phone.

"And i told you, i lied to you. I'm not my uncle." Hope rolled her eyes, as Inadu screamed in frustration.

"I want the stake! We had a deal, Mikaelson!" Inadu yelled.

"I know we did. But i honestly don't care. Like i said, i'm not my uncle." Hope shrugged.

"Ugh! I hate you!" Inadu yelled.

"Should've made deals with him." Hope shrugged, clearly not bothered by all the yelling.

"I will kill you!" Inadu screamed.

"Can't do that without that stake, can you?" Hope smirked.

. . .

"Dun dun du dun, du du du du dun, du du dun dun dun dun, dududududun. Du du du dun-" Hope spoke into her phone, trying to find that one song.

"You gotta stop doing that. It doesn't work." Enzo spoke, leaning sideways against her doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Still worth a shot." The tribrid shrugged.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, stepping into the room, before closing the door behind himself.

"I'm good." Hope forced out a smile for him.

"Are you?" Enzo asked sceptically, sitting down on her bed, facing her.

"You know, it's okay if you're not." He added.

"Thanks, but i'm fine." Hope said.

"Okay, enough with the lies. I know you're not fine." Enzo sighed.

"Why wouldn't i be? She's locked up, and everyone is safe. I'm good." Hope shrugged.

"Hope, you had to face the thing that has traumatized you the most, and that thing had possesed your friends, and your mate, and killed your parents a while back." Enzo analysed.

"It's fine." Hope denied.

"No, it is not." Enzo argued.

"I am fine." Hope reassured him.

"I know you're not." Enzo pushed.

"I am serious, i'm fine." Hope said.

Enzo sighed, realizing it was no use.

He leaned foward, and embraced her into a hug, rubbing her back with his hand.

"I know you aren't. You are scared. Terrefied even. You don't trust a mere cell that's made of glass to hold that monster." Enzo said.

"I do in fact not." Hope confirmed, hugging her friend back, appreciating the warm gesture.

"So, what's your plan?" Enzo asked, as he pulled away from the warm hug to look at his friend, at the same time as she did.

"A vampire, a tribrid and two sociopaths. Get it?"

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