iii, good grasp on reality

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The next morning, Hope came back from the hospital, to Derek making breakfast.

"How was it? Is he okay?" He asked. "He's fine. I told them we found him in the forest like that and they instantly assumed it was an animal attack. He will be fine, just a small blood loss, he can be discharged in two days or so, though." Hope filled him in, and he nodded.

"I'm making... the special pancakes." Derek said.

"Vampcakes." Hope said.

"What?" Derek asked.

"It's vampcakes... they're not originally with that many blueberries and also without blood..." Hope said.

"Then why so many blueberries?" Derek asked.

"I don't have any whipped cream here and i guess i like blueberries." She shrugged.

"Where did you learn this from?" Derek asked.

"A friend of mine taught me. She has it from her dad." Hope replied.

"You learn quickly, don't you?" Hope asked. "I guess." Derek replied.

"So... got any soulmates?" Hope asked.

"Uh... i've got three marks... I have only found the one though..." Derek uttured.

"Maybe i can help you find the others. Cast a locator spell, prehaps?" Hope offered.

"That would be great. Thank you." Derek smiled. "You're welcome. Only after you have eveything under control though. We only want you to eat your mates the one way, right?" Hope smirked, as Derek looked at her, wide eyed, as she doubled over from laughing.

"I-i'm sor-sorry- you're expression w-was just every-thing!" She spoke trough laughter.

. . .

Just as the two friends started eating breakfast, they were interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Hope said, getting up from her seat and walkimg towards the door.

She swung the door open, revealing all of her soulmates.

"Uh, can i help you?" Hope asked.

"Can we come in?" Wanda asked.

"Uh, give me a minute." Hope said, quickly shutting the door.

"Derek! Go to your bedroom! Lock the door!" Hope said. "What? Why?" He asked, getting up from his seat nonetheless.

"I'll explain later! Go!" She said, and he nodded, speeding into his bedroom.

Once Hope heard the lock of his bedroom door clicking, she sped towards the front door and opened it. "Hi! Come on in!" She said, opening the door further so they could come inside.

"Why do you live in a hotel?" Peter asked in confusion.

"Why does it matter?" Hope asked.

"Because you have a nice home with your family, except if... you live here with someone they do not approve of? Who is Derek?" Loki said, after reading her mind before she could block him out.

"It's really none of your business." Hope said.

"Who is Derek?" Bucky then asked.

"Derek? Who's that?" Hope tried, only to get looks from her soulmates.

"I don't know a Derek!" Hope spoke in irritation. "Why are you hiding him?" Stephen asked.

"Who even is he?" Natasha asked.

"Hi, Tasha! Long time no see!" Hope smiled cheekily, recieving a glare from Steve.

"If looks could kill..." Hope uttured.

Suddenly, Hope heard a heartbeat dissapearing, and when she turned around, she saw Loki gone.

She listened closer, only to hear his heartbeat near Derek's.

"Fucking hell!" She shouted when she heard Derek gasp in pain.

She sped into his room, pushing Loki against a wall, seeing Derek kneeling on the floor, holding into his stomach in pain, looking down at the dagger.

"Pull it out!" Hope said, looking at Derek, wide-eyed, and Loki used that to dissapear from her hold.

She quickly sped towards Derek, speeding him out of the room, and into hers, locking the door.

She then harshly pulled the dagger out of Derek's stomach, who gasped in pain, holding onto her shoulders for dear life.

"Sorry, sorry." She muttured, biting into her wrist and shoving it into his mouth, to fasten the healing process.

Once he's had enough, she pulled the wrist back, and just then, the door handle broke, and the door opened, revealing Bucky at the very fromt, and Thor holding Loki back behind everyone else.

"What the hell?!" Hope asked, holding her arm protectively infront of Derek.

"Who the hell is that?!" She heard Loki yell, only to be shushed by Thor.

"My friend, asshole!" She yelled.

"You hurt ours, we hurt yours. Fair is fair." Steve sassed.

"You can get the hell out of here, fossil boy." Hope said, her eyes stone cold as she stared at Steve.

"You can't be serious." He scoffed in disbelief.

"Actully, i can. And i am. You know what else i can? I can gather the most powerful witches from my school and bring them to cast some spell to finally make our stupid fucking bond vanish!" She screamed.

"You don't mean that." Peter said.

"Not ours. Only Steve and i's." Hope assured.

"You don't mean that either." Bucky said.

"Actully, i do." Hope smiled sarcastically.

"Now you can gather your crappy shield along with your crappy suit and get the hell out." Hope said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Hope, don't do this." Shuri begged.

"I might think about it if he'd apologize." Hope shrugged.

"Apologize for what?" Steve asked.

"Oh, i don't know... maybe for saying that 'i'm destinied to be a whore', or something?" Hope spoke in disbelief.

"That was wrong of me to say. But you didn't apologize to Nat either!" Steve said.

"When did i get a chance to? This is the first time i'm seeing her but we're already fighting and i can't even get a breath, which i'd use to apologize!" Hope said.

"Maybe we should give them a minute-" Tony tried. "And what? Give her another chance to hurt Nat?" Steve snapped.

"Are those your soulmates? Because the american flag one is a crappy one." Derek whispered to Hope, trying to cheer her up a bit, and she smiled a bit.

"Yeah, they are." Hope whispered back.

"I will stay here." Steve demanded.

"Steve! I wanna talk to her alone!" Natasha aruged. "No! I don't want to give her another chance to suck you dry!" He argued.

"If he stays here, i do too!" Derek then said.

"Then i want Thor and Wanda to stay too." Steve argued.

"That's not fair!" Derek crossed his arms over his chest.

"Life-" Steve was cut off by Hope.

"-Isn't fair, blah, blah, blah." She rolled her eyes, making her voice extra high.

"I do not sound like that!" Steve spoke angrily. "Yeah you do." Hope insisted.

"I do not!" Steve denied.

"I'll record it next time." Sam sided with Hope.

"Seriously, Sam?" Steve asked in disbelief.

"At least someone who has a good grasp on reality." Hope rolled her eyes, as Sam smiled at her.

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