ii, No one hurts my family and lives.

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"You know what? I'm done. Just- just take my phone! Take my phone! It's in the left jacket pocket! No- no- left! The other left, smartass! Yes- no- the inner pocket- yes, inner pocket- it's inside the jacket, are you stupid?!" Hope shouted, after trying to explain for a million times on how to sent a video, to Esther.

"Yes, that one. Finally." She groaned, as Esther finally managed to pull the phone out of her pocket.

"Tap on the screen- yep. Now swipe- no, no- swipe! Like- like- just put your finger on the bottop on the screen and slide it up- yes- like that." Hope walked Esther trough the steps of unlocking a mobile phone.

"Now just tap the code in. it's 6969." Hope joked, which Esther obviously didn't understand, as she typed the numbers in, and glared at Hope when it didn't work. "It was a joke- it means- you know what? Nevermind. It's 9446." She rolled her eyes, and Esther typed it in, as the screen unlocked.

"Great, now, come closer." Hope said, and Esther did as she was told.

"We'll make a new video on this and then you can just sent it trough WhatsApp." Hope explained.

"Swipe to the left- yea, like that. Now tap on the camera- yep, yep. Now just place it on the table and tap that red circle on the bottom and it will start filming. Three... two... one... go!"

Esther clicked on the circle, and then extended her palm towards Hope, ready to chant a spell, just when the two windows in the rooms shattered, the tiny pieces of glass flying trough the room, as the door burst open.

A blue blur made it's way into the room, a certain Pietro Maximoff appearing infront of Hope, wrapping his arms protectively around her to safe her from the glass.

Once there were no more flying glasses, and everyone was already in the room, Vision helped Pietro undo the chains and collar from around her, and Pietro picked her up in brydal style, trying to speed out of the room.

Key word: trying.

"A boundary spell? Really?" Hope groaned.

She slowly got back onto the ground, noticing the room suddenly falling awfully quiet.

Pietro and Vision turned around besides her, and so did she, only to find all vampire's in the room laying on the ground with snapped neck's, Davina and Freya also passed out on the floor, while Esther was pushing the rest of the Avengers against the walls all around the room, having put a spell on them to be quiet.

Suddenly, Vision and Pietro were also pushed against the wall by an invisible force, making Hope roll her eyes. "So dramatic." She smiled maniacally.

Suddenly, Vision appeared by her side, having flown trough the wall when Esther pushed him against it and come back in, also trough the wall.

But in that exact moment, Esther flicked her wrist, making Vision fall to the ground.

"The Avengers. The allmighty heroes. So strong and powerful..." Esther laughed.

"I will kill you, Esther." Hope threataned with venom lacing in her voice.

"Why is that, my dear? The fun was just beginning!" Esther asked with a fake pout.

"My second favourite phrase i've learned from Elijah... No one hurts my family and lives." Hope smirked.

She sped towards Esther, grabbing her by the shoulder, and before she could react, her hand found it's way into Esther's chest, finding ahold of her heart.

"You are a monster. Just like your father!" Esther coughed. "Three years ago i would've taken it as an insult. But then i finally realized..." Hope trailed off, ripping Esther's heart out, and letting her body drop onto the ground. before moving her gaze onto the heart.

"I am my father's daughter." She said, before dropping the heart next to Esther's body, watching as the Avengers were released, Davina and Freya woke up, while the Vampire's were still unconscious.

"Bitch." Hope uttured, before stepping over Esther's body.

. . .

Once Klaus has awoken, he immediately picked Esthers body and heart up, and put it into a coffin, on which Davina, Freya and Hope made sure to lock, so even if Esther woke up, she couldn't come out.

"Why do ancient witches that no one likes refuse to stay dead? And why do witches that everyone love die so easily and don't come back?" Hope groaned in annoyance.

"So stupid, right?" Hayley agreed, sitting down next to her daughter.

"We need some girls time." Rebekah decided.

"No we don't." Hope argued.

"Yeah we do." Hayley agreed with her best friend.

"No we don't." Hope groaned in annoyance.

"Don't talk back to your mother!" Hayley smirked.

"Fine." Hope rolled her eyes.

"Great! I'll go organize everything!" Rebekah smiled chipperly, taking her phone out of her back pocket to make some calls.

"Wade and i are joining!" Kol's voice rang trough the manison. "Like hell you are!" Rebekah argued. "We are!" Kol said. "No!"





"Did i hear yes?"


"No!" Kol smirked.

"Yes- No!" Rebekah shouted angrily, as Kol laughed. "Thank you for letting us join your girls night, sister!" He smiled, and quickly dodged the vase Rebekah threw at him, before jogging off.

"You ass!" She yelled after him.

"Done! They are really glad that we decided to join them!" Kol smirked, as he placed his arm around his new bestfriend's shoulder.

"Great!" Wade smiled, clapping his hands childishly.

"Girlsnight huh?" Hayley laughed.

"Yeah. Girlsnight." Hope laughed.

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