iii, which one?

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Once the two locked Enzo in a cell, and brought Hope to their place, leaving her on a bed, the second figure left, while the first stayed by her side.

"Come on... wake up, baby..." He whispered, running his hand trough her hair.

"Brother! Brother, the hollow isn't in Hope's friend's body anymore!" A booming voice echoed trough the room, as he stormed inside.

"Be quiet, you idiot oaf!"

"Why? You've tried to wake her up anyway?" The new presence asked.

"There is a difference in waking up by the yelling of an idiot, asgardian oaf, and waking up by the soft whispers of your mate!" The raven haired god hissed.

"I don't know why, but that sounded really weird." Hope whispered, as two pairs of eyes immediately shot over to her.

"Why are you whispering?" Thor whispered.

"Why are you?" Hope whispered back.

"I'm whispering because you are!" Thor whispered.

"And i'm whispering because Loki was whispering!" She whispered.

"Then just stop whispering?" Loki then whispered.

"You're literally whispering too!" Hope whispered with a confused look on her face.

"Are we really arguing about us whispering while whispering?" Loki whispered.

"That's weird." Hope whispered.

. . .

"Enzo?" Hope asked, as she entered the room with the glass cell Enzo was supposed to be locked in.

"Hope?" Enzo rasped out.

"It's me. Are you okay? Are you... you?" She asked, speeding up to the glass of the cell, pressing her palms against the glass.

"I'm fine... but i need blood. And yeah, i'm me." He spoke weakily.

"What was the company called that held you hostage?" Hope asked.

"Augustine." Enzo rolled his eyes.

"How long have you been there?" She asked.

"Seventy-five years."

"What was your subject number?" She asked her last question.

"One-two-one-four-four."  He replied.

"Okay. Nice to have you back." She smiled, summoning three bloodbags onto his lap.

He eagerly sucked all three bloodbags dry, and quickly got up to his feet, and stood infront of Hope, the glass being the only thing in between them.

"Friday, get Tony down here please." Hope spoke.

"Of course, miss Stark-Mikaelson." The AI spoke.

"Friday, remove the Stark part." Hope sighed in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, miss Stark-Mikaelson. Mister Stark has told me to give you the same rights as him over the system, and you have told me to call you 'miss Mikaelson' and mister Stark has told me to call you 'mrs. Stark' so i had to do both, but i am only calling you 'miss' and not 'mrs' because mister Stark has also told me to grant you all your wishes, and because i don't see it as necessary since you are not married." The AI ranted.

"That was... a lot." Hope uttured, as Enzo laughed.

"Hope? You called?" Tony's voice rang trough the room.

"Yeah, can you get him out?" Hope asked.

"Are you sure it's him again?" The billionaire asked sceptically.

"I am." Hope confirmed.

"But... Who brought him in here?" Hope asked.

"Thor and Loki?" Tony said.

"Tony... Thor and Loki were the only ones near Enzo while the hollow was corrupting him... and now it isn't..."

"You don't think that..." Tony trailed off.

"One of them is being corrupted by the hollow." Hope said, her hands clenching into tight fists.

"Oh, awesome. Now we have two gods that might he corrupted by an super powerful villain. Lovely." Enzo sighed, as he was let out of the cell.

"Yeah. My officialy favourite thing. Especially since they're my soulmates." Hope sighed.

. . .

"Aunt Freya?" Hope asked, as she walked into a dark alley.

"Hello, gorgeous." She heard an all too familiar phrase said by an all too familiar voice.

"Hi. We have a slight problem." Hope said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The hollow. I know." The blonde witch confirmed.

"Yeah, but not just that. It's corrupting one of my soulmates, but we don't know which. It's either Thor or Loki." Hope spoke.

"Then we need to lock both up. Seperately. Amd interrogate them." Freya spoke.

"I know that. They're locked in seperate cages in the Avengers tower. Will you come with me?" Hope asked.

"Of course i will, gorgeous. Come." Freya smiled at her niece, grabbing her hand, as they began to walk towards the Avengers tower, which isn't really far.

. . .

Once the two women arrived in the room with the two cages, which held two certain brother-gods in it, they stood right by the entrance of Thor's cell, which happened to be the nearest to the entrance.

"Hope! My love! What has happened? Why are my brother and i being held in here?" Asked the blonde.

"Something bad happened, Thor. You two are being held here for the safety of you two and everyone else." Hope tried to explain.

"What do you mean?" The blonde asked cluelessly.

"Doesn't seem like it's him." Hope whispered.

"It actully does. He seems too... clueless, innocent... if you know what i mean.." Freya whispered back.

"But that's just- Thor." Hope whispered yet again.

"Let's not let him out yet. Come on." Freya gestured for her niece to follow her as she started walking over to the next cell.

"Everything will be okay, you'll be let out soon." Hope smiled at him, which he returned, before she quickly followed after her aunt.

"Baby, what's going on?" Loki asked.

Hope gulped, still looking at him.

"Don't worry. This is just to ensure yours and otter people's safety." She smiled.

"So, you think we're dangerous?" He asked.

"Aren't you?" She challanged.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Hmm... whatever i could mean." She asked.

"What are you doing?" Freya whispered.

"Let's talk outside." Hope whispered back, before grabbing her aunt's hand and leading her outside.

Once the doors were closed, they walked a couple metres away, just to ensure they wouldn't overhear.

"What's wrong, Hope? Do you know who it is?" Freya asked.

"I think it's Loki. His accent is weird and he never calls me baby. He always calls me darling." Hope said.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence?" Freya asked.

"I don't think so. His hair wasn't styled perfectly either, the real Loki would refuses to come out of his room on a bad hair day." Hope said.

"I'm sorry, Hope." Freya smiled sadly.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. What are we going to do now?" Hope asked.

"We'll let Thor out, and talk with everyone about what to do with Loki." Freya explained.

"Okay. Let's do it."

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