iv, mates, mates, mates.

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"Wait, did she just say that they're coming over?" Hope asked as she just now realized her friends' words.

Hope rolled her eyes once she realized she already finished her bottle. She threw it into one of the garbages next to one of the benches.

She quickly texted Stefanie, telling her that they are welcome to come whenever the please, with the adress and the number of her apartment, and just as she was about to send it, she bumped into someone. She took a deep breath in, to dtop herself of slapping the persons head off, before tearing their heart out and stabbing it with her phone. Instead, she looked up, seeing the man she walked into, and two female guards behind him. "Sorry." Hope muttured trough gritted teeth, before trying to walk past them, only to be stopped by one of the female guards. "Get your hand off of me before you lose it, will you, love?" Hope asked in a threat, her voice silky sweet.

"Is that a threat?" The guard asked with a smirk. "Do you want it to be?" Hope asked back, with an emotionless expression. "Okoye." The man warned, when one of the guards stepped closer to Hope. "Sorry." She muttured. "Am i free to go now?" Hope asked sarcastically. "No-" "Okoye!" The man warned again, this time louder. "I apologize for my friends' behaviour, she can be a bit... protective sometimes." The man spoke, with a hot accent.

Accents are hot as fuck.

"So i've noticed." Hope rolled her eyes. "Anyways, this was nice and all, but i'll get going now." She said, trying to walk past them again, only to be stopped again, but this time by the man. "Wait! Can we talk please?" He asked. "Why?" Hope asked in confusion. "Because we are soulmates?" He pointed out, which sounded more like a question.

"Ah, yeah, sure, totally knew that." Hope laughed nervously. "T'challa-" "Okoye."

She's kinda hot though-

"Let's go to that bench over there." T'challa suggested and Hope simply nodded, accepting his held out hand.

Once the two were sat, T'challa turned to her, taking her second hand in his free one aswell. "I have waited so long for you.." He said. "I uh... haven't exactly been looking for mates but... thanks?" She shrugged, not knowing how to react. "You haven't? Why?" T'challa asked. "I had other things to worry about." She shrugged. "That doesn't mean i'm not gald i met you though!" She quickly corrected herself. "Wait... you said 'mates'... do you have several?" T'challa asked. "Oh, yeah, a whole bunch actully..." She said. "How many?" He asked, his tone yet gentle. "Sixteen.." Hope muttured, looking down at their hands. "Oh wow- i- wasn't expecting that but i know for a fact another one of yours!" He said. "Really? Who?" She asked, looking back up at him. "My sister. Would you like to meet her?" He asked. "Yes! Of course!" She smiled.

"Great, then come with us, we can go see her." He said. "Okay. That's not too far, is it?" He asked. "No, maybe a ten minute walk." He said. "Okay." She smiled, getting up at the same time he did, before the two walked back towards the two guards.

. . .

Once the four arrived at the Stark tower, they walked inside, before going into one of the elevators. T'challa then told Jarvis to bring them to his and Shuri's floor, and once they arrived, the guards left and Hope an T'challa went to Shuri's room.

T'challa knocked on her door, and opened it, once he heard a faint 'come in' from inside.

Hope and T'challa walked inside, seeing Shuri and Peter, sitting opposite to eachother on chairs, each one guitar in their hands. Their heads were turned towards the door, before it even opened, feeling their soulmarks sting, and once they saw the beauty next to T'challa, they both quickly got up, smiling.

Shuri let out an excited squeal, before running towards her mate and hugging her, makimg Hope hesitantly wrap them around their waist, due to Shuri's being around her neck.

Hope unnoticeably nosed at Shuri's neck, immediatley starting to feel the mate bond. "Well, hello there." Hope said, cracking a small smile at the younger girl when she pulled away. "Hi!" Shuri smiled. She then stepped away, letting Peter hug Hope, which made T'challa frown in confusion. "They're soulmates too, he showed me his mark. It's the same as ours." Shuri explained, making her older brother nod.

Hope also unnoticably nosed at Peter's neck, the matebond also immediately crashing upon her.

"Hi there." She smiled, tapping Peter's back two times, making him pull away. "H-hi! I'm Parker- Peter- Parker Peter- i mean Peter- Let me try again! My name is Parker Pe- Damnit!" He stumbled over his words, making Shuri laugh, T'challa chuckle and Hope just smirked. "I suppose your name is Peter Parker?" Hope assumed, and Peter nodded, his cheeks flushed bright red with embarrassment. "I'm Shuri!" Shuri introduced herself. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Hope smirked, making Shuri blush. "My name is Hope Mikaelson." Hope introduced herself.

"By the way, Wanda and Pietro also have the same mark!" Peter smiled.

. . .

The group was in the elevator, after Peter told Jarvis to bring them to Wanda and Pietro's floor.

Once the elevator doors opened, the four went to Wanda's room first, before Shuri knocked on the door, opening it once they heard a 'come in' from inside.

The four stepped inside, seeing Wanda sitting on her bed, already looking at the door at the feeling of her burning soulmark, and she immediately started smiling once she saw her mate.

She immediatley ran toward her, wrapping her arms around Hope's waist, pulling her close to herself. "Oh my god, it's really you! I missed you so, so, so much!" She whispered. "I missed you too Elskan." Hope whispered back. "Please don't leave us again." Wanda pleaded. "Never again." Hope promised.

Just then, Pietro barged into the room. "Wanda! Wanda! My mark burns! Hope must be here-" He yelled, but was cut off when he saw his mate and sister hugging. "Princessa!" He said, before speeding towards her and hugging her, stealing her from Wanda, making her whine.

"I missed you so much." He whispered. "I missed you too." Hope whispered back.

"Promise not to leave us again?"

"I give you my word."

"By the way, the bow and arrow guy has the same mark as us!" Pietro observed.


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