i, Can you remember the rain?

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Sorry if there are many mistakes, i was too lazy to reread the whole thing, anyways, i don't know how i'll be posting for the next 2 weeks since i'll be on vacation, also, i am very happy to know your opinions, and i'm very happy to see comments!

After Hope's conversation with Inadu, she made sure Inadu recieved three proper meals per day from the on, and visited her every day.

"You know, i think i'm starting to kind of tolerate you..." Hope said.

"Hmm... i guess the feeling is mutual... well, i don't have the urge to rip your eyeballs out and shove them up your ass before ripping your hand off and shove it down your throat." Inadu shrugged.

"Thanks for the... disturbing... image..." Hope said uncomfortably, holding back a gag.

"You're welcome." Inadu smiled cheekily.

"Alrighty then.." Hope said as she got up from the chair infront of the cage, she was sitting on.

"I'll be on my way now. It's already past your bedtime." Hope teased.

"Whatever. See you tomorrow?" Inadu asked, almost hopefully.

"Sure. I have a surprise for you then." Hope smiled.

"What is it?" Inadu asked exitedly.

"If i tell you, where's the surprise?" Hope asked pointedly.

"Right." Inadu sighed.

"See you tomorrow." Hope said.

"See you tomorrow, little Mikaelson." Inadu replied, as Hope walked out of the room.

It's the only way to find out about mine and Vision's bond.

. . .

Hope sat in her room in the Mikaelsons manison, overthinking weather or not she should go trough with what she has planned.

If i do it, she can help me find out what's wrong with me and vision

She could also betray me.

And she could also be no help at all.

If i don't do it, i don't have to worry about her betraying me.

But i might need her help.

And i might don't.

And i can't ask anyone about advise because they'll say i'm an asshole for doubting Vision and i's bond.

They'd also call me crazy for willing to trust Inadu, the hollow.

I'm gonna do it.

. . .

The next morning Hope got ready for the day, goong trough with her morning routine, before making her way to the Avengers tower.

The next morning Hope got ready for the day, goong trough with her morning routine, before making her way to the Avengers tower

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Once she arrived, she instantly went to the room Inadu's cage is in, not wanting to risk seeing any of her mates.

"Good morning!" Hope said as she walked in.

"Good morning indeed, darling." She heard a male voice say.

Not Inadu.


"Loki?" Hope asked.

"The one and only." Loki stepped foward.

"What are you doing here?" Hope asked.

"I could ask you the same thing, darling." He said.

"I asked first." Hope pointed out.

"Fine. I am here to chat with Inadu." Loki spoke.

"I figured. That's what i'm here for too." Hope said in annoyance.

"Now, no need to become sassy, darling." Loki spoke.

"What are you really here for? To hurt her because she controlled you?" Hope asked.

"Yes." Loki spoke truthfully.

"And, you didn't think that that could be wrong?" Hope asked.

"How is it wrong? She is a monster!" Loki growled.

"So am i. And you are too." Hope aruged, as he stared at her.

"Just becauee you are, doesn't mean i am too." Loki spoke.

"So, you're denying that you're a monster? Please. You killed eighty people in two days." Hope reminded him.

"And you have killed double as much in one." Loki reminded her.

Is he talking about the day i activated my werewolf side?

Hope flashed her Hybrid face at him, as she sped towards him and pinned him against the door with her hand wrapped around his throat.

"Leave. Now." She demanded, as he struggled to breathe.

She let go of him and opened the door with her magic for him.

He stared at her for a second, rubbing his neck and struggling to catch his breath.

She pointed at the hallway, as he scoffed and walked out.

She closed the door with her magic as soon as he did, before speeding towards the glass cell.

"You okay? He didn't hurt you yet, right?" Hope asked.

"Just a few mind games... i'm fine..." Inadu assured her.

"Good, because you have to be to get out of here." Hope smiled as she placed her hands on the glass of the cell.

"They're letting me out?" Inadu asked i. disbelief.

"Oh no. I'm letting you out. You're welcome." Hope smiled sweetly.

"Thank you so much!" Inadu breathed out with a smile.

"You're welcome. I will break the glass, and then the cell will fall. Come very close to the glass so i can grab you while the cell falls. Okay?" Hope said.

"Okay." Inadu walked close to the glass.

Hope punched the glass with all her strenght, makimg it immediately break, as the glass cell began to fall as the lights turned red and an alarm began to go off.

Hope quickly grabbed Inadu's hand and pulled her up.

"Can i pick you up?" Hope asked.

"Just do it, will you?" Inadu rolled her eyes, which Hope returned, before picking Inadu up in bridal style and speeding her out of the tower.

"Alright. We'll compell ourself a hotel room for tonight so you can rest, my family will kill us both if they find out that i broke you out." Hope spoke up.

"Alright, lead the way, little Mikaelson." Inadu said with a smile on her lips.

. . .

"Hey, siri, find the Can you remember the raaaaainnn song." Hope said.

"Your voice is pretty." Inadu complimented.

"I just had the biggest voicecrack when i sung the 'rain' part. What do you mean 'your voice us pretty'?" Hope asked in confusion.

"Your voice is still pretty." Inadu smiled.

"Thanks." Hope smiled at her, beforr playing the song.

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