i, Kitty kat

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Once Hope woke up, Rebekah who's turn it'd been to stay with her in case she wakes up, called the Avengers, ignoring Hope's protests, and left the room once they entered.

"Hi." Hope said akwardly, getting up into a sitting position. "Hey." Bruce smiled. "Are you okay?" Peter asked. "I'm fine. Are you?" She asked in guilt. "I'm fine." He smiled. "Are you all okay? I'm sorry for what i did." She apologized. "It's fine. We're okay." Tony assured her.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Certain." Loki reassured her.

"You know we weren't talking about you... right?" Wanda asked, breaking the akward silence. "So i've heard." Hope uttured.

"Uhm... would you like for us to get someone else?" Bruce asked, noticing that she was really uncomfortable right now.

"Can you get Stephanie, Lizzie and Josie, please?" She asked. "Of course, princessa." Pietro smiled, and they all left the room, while Pietro sped of to get the three girls.

Once the three arrived at Hope's room, they immediately embraced her.

"We heard about what happened." Lizzie sniffed. "Sorry we weren't there." Josie cried, as she clung onto her. "I'm so, so sorry." Stephanie whispered. "Baby? Stephanie?" The four friends heard a sweet voice from the doorway, and when they turned, they saw Elena.

"Mom." Stephanie smiled, walking towards her mother to hug her, who needed a suspicious second longer than normal to hug her back.

"Dic mihi, hva du vet." Hope whispered under her breath, staring at the mother of her friend, before letting her mind doze off and melt with the vampire's mind.

I was looking at myself in the clear water, the corners of my mouth lifted just a bit, as i carreses my pregnant belly lovingly.

I already love this child.

But just then, i started to get horrible pains, making me choke back a groan, as i looked down onto it, my hands leaving my stomach immediatley in shock.

As the pain started to get worse, i bent over in pain, screaming.

Why does it hurt so much?

I took deep breaths, hoping it would ease the pain, but realizing it didn't work.

I'm going into labor...

. . .

I laid on the bed, as i screamed in pain, as my mother was standing in between my legs, trying to get me to push more.

"A little more, dearest... a little more!" She spoke in bulgarian "Push... a little more!" She spoke loudly, in between my groans in pain.

"A little more, a little more... Push!" She said, as a maid walked over, but i didn't see what she was doing as i clenched my eyes shut in pain and screamed as i pushed.

I heard a baby's cry, as i gasped for air after screaming.

I looked at my mother, only to see her homding a tiny figure that was wrapped in a white cloth, with a loving expression on her face as she stared at it.

"It's a girl."' She said in bulgarian, making the smile that was starting to form on my lips drop.

No, no, no.

Please, please no.

"A girl?" I asked in disbelief.

Please, please, please no.

I looked at my father whi was standing in the doorway.

"Please mother..." I whispered, my gaze shifting onto her with a pleading expression. "...let me see her." I begged.

I reached my hand out to her, wanting nothing more than to hurt my baby.

She was just about to give in and let me see my baby, when my father chimed in. "Woman, don't. What are you doing?" He said in bulgarian, making my hopeful expression drop, as she turned towards my father.

She started to walk towards him with my baby in her arms, as i couldn't do anything but watch.

"Let me at least hold her once!" I begged as my mother passed my newborn to my father.

"Just once... at least once!" I begged, as my father turned towards me with my baby now in his arms.

"Forget it!" He spat. "You have disgraced this family!" He almost yelled at me, as he turned and left the room.

"Father, please!" I yelled after him.

"No, father! No!" I screamed after him.

"No! No! No!" I screamed louder and louder, trying to crawl out of the bed and run after him, only to he stopped by my mother.

"No, Katerina. It's better for her!" She trying to convince me.

"No! No! No!" I kept screaming, trying to fight her off, but she was stronger, also due to me having just give birth to the baby that my father was taking away from me right now.

"It's better for her!" She said, in between my screams for my father.

"No, mother, please..." I cried as i finally let her hug me.

Hope snapped back into reality, staring at the woman who was hugging her friend, who also looked exactly like Elena Gilbert-Salvatore. But it obviously wasn't her.

"Who are you?" Hope asked.

"So you figured it out. You're smart. I like you." The woman dropped her act, her voice immediately changing.

Her voice is hot as fu-

"Who are you?" Hope asked again.

"I'm Katherine Pierce." The woman smirked. "Ah, the much whorier doppelbitch." Hope smirked. "We've heard a lot about you." Lizzie copied Hope's smirk.

"Where is my mom?" Stephanie asked.

"She's at home." The woman rolled her eyes.

"You're hot." Hope smirked, getting up from the bed. "Mind not flirting with my mom's look alike?" Stephanie asked in confusion and frustration.

"Your mom is actully my look alike. But no offense taken." The woman said.

"This is too much dark energy i refuse to take." Josie uttured, before getting up to leave the room, only to he stopped by Katherine who grabbed her arm.

"No one is leaving yet." Katherine said. "That's so mommy." Hope groaned, making Katherine smirk at her. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Can we fuck please?" Hope asked.

"You literally have like a million soulmates just out the door!" Josie scolded. "But she's so mommy!" Hope whined.

"Don't worry, we can do whatever you please a bit later." The doppelganger smirked.

"Awesome." Hope smiled.

"So... you got any wine in here? Red if possible?" Katherine asked sweetly.

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