i, Humanity? Who's she?

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Hope woke up at two in the morning, and immediately checked if Shuri was next to her, and then checked if she heard all of the hearbeats she was supposed to hear.

Once she was sure her mate's were in their rooms, she quietly left her room, and snapped her fingers for a new outfit to appear on her body.

She then left the tower, and aimlessly walked outside, to look for maybe a drunk person to feed off as she hasn't had a lot of blood recently

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She then left the tower, and aimlessly walked outside, to look for maybe a drunk person to feed off as she hasn't had a lot of blood recently.

As she walked around, she of course didn't see anyone. Of course she didn't. It's two in the morning.

She then saw a hospital, making her sigh.

Bloodbags it is.

She checked for cameras, and when she didn't see any, she climbed up the wall, and came inside by one of the open windows.

She saw that the patient was asleep, and an idea popped up in her head.

She shook the man awake, and once his eyes fluttered open, she compelled him. "Do not make a sound." And he nodded, as she sank her fangs in his neck.

Once she had enough, she removed her fangs from his neck, and gave him some blood of hers, before compelling him to forget and go to sleep.

. . .

When Hope arrived at the doorway of the mainroom where everyone probably was, it was already seven in the morning.

Hope quietly opened the door, revealing everyone on the couches, talking, not yet noticing Hope.

"We don't need any more enemies because of her." Said Tony.

"Why do we have to be stuck with her?" Steve sighed in annoyance.

"She is seriously a pain in the ass." Sam groaned.




All that is was Hope currently felt.

She shook her head in disbelief, and just then, Bucky turned around, facing her. "Uh... guys?" He said, and everyone turned towards him, and then followed his gaze.


"No, no, that's fine." She smiled, tears gathering in her eyes.

"It's not-"

But Hope wasn't having it.

She turned around and sped out of the buliding, and into the garage, where her car was parked.

She climbed into the drivers seat, before driving off on full speed.

. . .

Hope was sitting in a small alley way, her back leaning against one of the walls, as he toes were in contact with the one opposite to her.

"Hey there, you okay?" Hope heard a familar voice to her left.

She turned her head, looking at her aunt Rebekah. "Why the hell do you care?" Hope asked sassily. "I don't. And i know you don't aswell." The blonde smirked, which her niece returned.

"Why did you flip the switch?" The blonde asked, sitting down on the ground, opposite to the brunette, one of her legs between Hope's and the other next to one of Hope's.

"They don't love me. They hate me. They think i'm a monster." Hope said emotionlessly.

"That sucks." Rebekah shrugged.

"My mates hated me once too." Rebekah added. "Stefan because you're dad's sister, Marcel too, and Matt because you were a vampire, right?" Hope asked, and Rebekah nodded in confirmation. "That sucks." Hope laughed humorlessly.

"What are you going to do now?" Rebekah asked. "Oh, you know. Enjoying life." Hope smirked.

"Ouh! That sounds killerish! May i join you on your journey?" Rebekah asked. "With pleasure."

. . .

Rebekah was staying in her hotel room, of which her and her niece booked two of, so each would have her own, while Hope was sitting on the edge of a bridge, busy doing nothing in particular but watching people.

"Hey there, hot stuff." She heard a voice besides her, and when she turned her head in the direction, she saw a man with a red suit, that was a bit similar with Peter's spidey suit.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked. "I'm Deadpool. And you? Or would you prefer i continue calling you 'hot stuff'?" He said beneath his mask. "Call me Hope." She said, turning her head away from him again.

"Why so grumpy?" He asked, nudging her shoulder with his own. "I'm not grumpy, i just don't like you." She sassed, making him put a hand onto his chest, above his heart mockingly. "Ouch, you wound me, baby." He mocked. "Shut up, man." She rolled her eyes.

"Or i could scream your name, that is if you make me, of course." He smirked, and she turned her head towards him again with an amused expression. "Why are you here, man?" She asked. "Honestly? Nick Fury sent me by Agent Barton's and Romanoff's request." He shrugged. "So you're a Shield agent?" She asked. "Ex Shield agent, if you will." He corrected her. "Right."


"Let's go shopping." She then changed the subject. "Shopping like besties?" He asked excitedly. "Sure." She smirked. "Okay, but we need to go to my apartment first, need to change out of this." He gestured towards his outfit. "Alright, come on." She said, getting up and so did he, following her to her car.

"You can drive." She then said.

"Thanks! Little warning, i don't have a license." He warned. "That makes it fun." She smirked, and so did he, as they climbed into the car.

"Oohhh! Yeah!" Wade beamed, grabbing onto the wheel excitedly.

. . .

"That was fun!" Wade beamed.

"We crashed like a million times! How much of an idiot are you?" Hope asked in annoyance as she got out of the car. "I warned you!" He pointed out. "My poor baby. Now i need to compell myself another." Hope pouted mockingly.

"Whatever. Come on." He said, grabbing her hand and pulling her along with him.

Once he opened his apartment door, he tried to pull her inside, making her roll her eyes. "Invite me in." She ordered. "Come in, bestie!" He beamed, and immediately dragged her inside, slamming his door shut, before dragging her into his bedroom.

"You're gonna just change infront of me?" She asked. "You are free to turn around." He shrugged, and she did.

She turned around, and waited for him to be done changing, while he was ranting about some thing him and agent Barton went trough, and Hope would occasionally hum or nod or comment on somethings he said.

Once he was done, he told her to turn around, and once she did, she saw him in some grey jeans, and a black zip up hoodie, the hood covering his head and a part of his face.

"Oh look! Or jackets are matching!" He beamed. "Yeah. That's true. Are you done?" She asked, and he nodded, so they made their way out of his apartment and back into his car.

"Can i drive?" Wade asked with puppy dog eyes. "Sure. Go ahead." She confirmed, making him smile before he climbed into the drivers seat, and she climbed into the passanger seat.

"I love this car!"

"Then why do you keep destroying it?"

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