i, New friend

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After Hope gave Kai Wade's number, Kai immediatley texted Wade.

Hey, it's Kai.

Hii! I'm Wade!

Cool name! Wanna meet up?

When and where?

Oh! I know where! Meet me at the tower,
we'll walk from there!


Avenger's tower?

I dunno what that is. I'm not in Nyc yet.

That's fine, just google it.

I will

Great, can't wait to meet you!

. . .

With Hope

Hope walked into an all too familar libary, smiling at the lady behind the counter, who smiled right back at her.

"Hi! It's been a while, huh?" Hope smiled. "It has been, indeed. I thought you wouldn't come back anymore." The lady smiled. "Of course i would. I have a book to return." Hope smiled.

"Oh great! You can give it to me or put it back into place if you want." The lady smiled.

"I'll put it back and look around a bit." Hope smiled. "Great. Thank you." The lady smiled kindly, and Hope walked futher into the libary.

Witches and fairies...

Witches and fairies...

Witches and-

Ah, there it is.

Hope put the book back into it's place, before starting to walk further.




Where are you?



Hope grabbed a random book, from the vampires section, before sitting on a couch in a dark corner of the room, leaning back and crossing her legs over one another, and reading the cover.

Vampire theories

This will be fun.

Hope flipped over to the first page.

Vampires weaknesses.

Blood moon

That's a thing?




I'm seriously imagining uncle Kol fighting against a doorway right now-

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